im using everblush for my current theme cause so calm and aesthetic. you can check on this repository
im using framework ohmyzsh for manage zsh configuration. for installation you can check this website
im using nvchad for nvim configuration, you can check on for installation.
after installing, you can copy and paste the configuration to .config/nvim
cp nvim ~/.config/
for additional plugin you can check on
and use default configuration for chadrc.lua
for installation atuin shell history you can check on atuinsh
im using starship for configuration prompt, you can used other one like ohmyzsh as default, powerlevel10k, or this one, but for starship i recode for device detect. for installation you can out on
im using rxfetch for fetch all information about my sys, you can check here
Fonts its highly recommended using nerd fonts for this dots, cause many support any icon including font awesome icon. you can download and check on, more information:
- Nitrogen - Wallpaper Selector
- clone this repository
git clone https://slowy07/my-dotfiles
chmod +x install
./install --isntall