Health insurance coverage data by state compiled from the US Department of Health and Human Services and US Census Bureau.
Data Source:
Jupyter Notebook:
Imported data from Kaggle, cleaned the dataframe (renamed columns, converted objects to floats), and dropped a row that has a different scope (national-level data).
Looked at correlations/heatmaps. Some correlations are suspiciously strong. Will need to look at the data for nuances.
Will you be able to answer your question with this data, or do you need to gather more data (or adjust your question)?
Yes, I will be able to answer my research questions with this data.
Unknown at this time. Will explore the data more before deciding on a model.
How has employer-sponsored health insurance coverage decreased the uninsured rates in various states?
How has Medicare expansion decreased the uninsured rates in the states that expanded?
Can we predict the next five years of nationwide health insurance coverage based on this data set?
Health insurance coverage data compiled from the US Department of Health and Human Services and US Census Bureau from 2010 to 2016. Data Source:
The data is organized by state and includes different types of insurance, from public to private (employer-sponsored, health marketplace, Medicare, and Medicaid).
I currently work in public health, where we often see health insurance coverage is a barrier to people seeking health care for preventive reasons. I'm interested to see the short-term effects of the Affordable Care Act passed in 2010.