Convert RoyalRoadL & Webnovel fictions into Epub 3 files.
- Download/Copy this repo
- install Go dependencies & build/compile app
- Using a terminal go to the directory of the binary and then use the following command:
./RRL2epub [url]
May be a full path to the fiction's page, or it may be a shortened url with a specified schema. for example:
./RRL2epub rrl:1001
./RRL2epub wn:100000000000001
In this example, the "url" beginning with rrl:
will find the fiction with the given ID number on, while wn:
is meant for
If you have the binary in your PATH, go to the directory you wish to download the EPUB to, and use the same command without the ./
at the start.
- Download/Copy this repo
- Open the folder in terminal/powershell/etc & run
docker-compose run -v ${pwd}/out:/out rrl2epub ./app wn:11119470606261105
- The epub will appear in the generated