
Module 07 Project 1

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Module 07 Project 1 View live at https://slspencer.github.io/Katuunko/index.html




Web page provide user with information about Covid-19 data in selected metropolitan areas, and the opportunity to select the flights and the hotels for that area. Developed web page uses data from 2 separate API: Kayak and Covid Act Now. Searched trips are saved in local storage and rendered on the front page. Structure and styling of the page were developed using Bulma CSS Framework

User Story

''' AS A traveler I WANT to see available curent Covid-19 data in chosen city's state SO THAT i can choose whether to travel in that specific place or not. I Want to be able to search flights and hotels in that city SO THAT i can see the best available options.

GIVEN a landing page WHEN i search for a city THEN i am presented with a covid-19 data for that city's state WHEN i select that city THEN it stores in the local storage WHEN i search for flights THEN i am present with the available flight options WHEN i search for hotels Then i am present with the available local hotels options


Covid ActNow API: https://apidocs.covidactnow.org/#current-data-for-all-states-counties-or-metros Kayak Embedded Widget: https://www.kayak.com/affiliate/widget-v2.js

CSS Framework


Functional Requirements

Must use at least two server-side APIs DONE - Must use a CSS framework other than Bootstrap DONE - Must use client-side storage to store persistent data DONE - Must have a polished UI DONE - Must meet good quality coding standards (indentatinos, scoping, naming, etc.) DONE - Must NOT use alerts, confirms, or prompts (look into modals) DONE - Must be deployed to GitHub Pages DONE - Must be interactive (i.e.: accept and respond to user input)