Test Automation of Spring Boot Applications

In this article I will demonstrate how test automation for Spring Boot applications is done. For this purpose let's imagine the following example application:

Architecture (Draft)

The application consists of 4 major packages: api, business, persistence and ui. They represent the different logical layers of the application. Within these layers there are packages for general concerns (e.g. common business exceptions) and packages for special domain concerns (e.g. com.example.sbms.business.foo containing all Foo related components and services). Grouping classes in packages firstly by their layer and secondly by their functional affiliation allows us to selectively start parts of our application. This is very useful for integration-scoped or even system-scoped tests. You could, as an example, start your application's API layer without having to have a database - or even a business layer - simply by telling Spring to only scan the com.example.sbms.api package for beans. Missing dependencies can easily be mocked using Springs own testing framework.

The source folder of this application would look something like this:


You should have at least a rudimentary understanding of the following topics before reading any further:

  • Spring
  • Spring Boot
  • Test automation (ideally with JUnit)
  • Assertions (ideally with AssertJ)
  • Mocking (ideally with Mockito)

Automated Tests

When writing automated tests, it is important to know what should be tested how and what the scope of the test should be. When working with Spring Boot I usually divide my tests into three scopes:

  • Unit
  • Integration
  • System

Each of these has its own uses and constraints and each builds the basis for the next scope. When executing a build, the unit-scoped tests should run first. They are the most numerous and the fastest. If any of them break, the build should immediately fail without executing any other tests of higher scopes. If all unit-scoped tests pass, the integration-scoped tests are executed. These will verify our usage of framework features and the integration of different parts of the application. Last but not least the system-scoped tests will be executed. These are the only tests which are allowed to block system resources (like sockets, ports, databases etc.).

More on each of those, when we come to them in the following chapters.

The code example in this article will make use of these technologies:

  • JUnit 5 as a runner for most tests
  • JUnit 4 as a runner for tests which need the Spring JUnit Runner
  • AssertJ for assertions
  • Mockito for mocking (often with BDD style given / then syntax)
  • Project Lombok for code generation (Getter, Setter, Constructors, etc.)
  • Spring MockMvc for REST controller integration tests

Unit Scope

Unit-scoped tests are the most common test you'll write for your Spring Boot application. In most projects each class will have a corresponding unit test class verifying that whatever the class is doing, is done as intended. As with everything there might be exceptions to the rule!

Most unit-scoped tests will invoke a single method with a given set of input data and a previously established state of the unit under test. Each of these tests should focus on a single aspect of the invocation to be tested. Don't mix multiple aspects together or you'll get unit tests that fail for hard to identify reasons.

We will not go into any more detail on the general topic of unit tests since these are well established principles and nothing special to Spring Boot applications.

Testing API DTO Serialization

Since the data transfer objects (DTO) used in our API will be serialized and de-serialized as/from JSON or XML, we need to assert that this can be done without any problems. There are a surprising amount of things that can go wrong when serializing Java objects.

Testing (de-)serialization is rather simple and inexpensive. Simply serialize a given object into JSON / XML and then use that result to de-serialize it back to its original form. With AssertJ the assertion of the result of these operations is pretty simple. Just check for equality of the original object and the de-serialized version.

A simple equality check should be enough, because DTOs are data objects and should therefore always implement equals() and hashcode(). With Lombok's @Data annotation, which among other things, generates an equals() and hashCode() implementation for all fields this is done with a single line of code. In addition DTOs should only consist of Java basic types (String, boolean, int etc.) and other DTOs.

Now let’s take a look at this simple DTO:

@NoArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PUBLIC)
@AllArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
public class PersistedFooDto {
  private Long id;
  private Set<String> values = new HashSet<>();

The generated builder makes it easy for us to create data for our serialization test.

public class PersistedFooDtoTest implements DtoStereotypeTest {

  @DisplayName("can be (de)serialized from and to JSON")
  void jsonSerializable() throws IOException {
    PersistedFooDto dto = PersistedFooDto.builder()
      .values(Sets.newHashSet("abc", "def"))


Since we rarely create applications with just a single DTO, we should put the actual assertion logic into a separate class. Making it reusable by other tests. With Java 8, we can even create a trait interface which allows our test to inherit multiple such traits from different interfaces.

public interface DtoStereotypeTest {

  default void assertJsonSerializable(Object object) throws IOException {
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    String jsonObject = mapper.writeValueAsString(object);
    Object deserializedObject = mapper.readValue(jsonObject, object.getClass());

  default void assertXmlSerializable(Object object) throws IOException {
    // ...


Basic Unit Test

We will use transformers to demonstrate a basic unit test, since they are rather simple services and ideal for testing.

public class PersistedFooBoToDtoTransformer implements Transformer<PersistedFoo, PersistedFooDto> {

  public PersistedFooDto transform(PersistedFoo input) {
    return PersistedFooDto.builder()

public class PersistedFooBoToDtoTransformerTest {

  PersistedFooBoToDtoTransformer cut = new PersistedFooBoToDtoTransformer();

  @DisplayName("transforms PersistedFoo to PersistedFooDto")
  void transforms() {
    PersistedFoo bo = PersistedFoo.of(42L, Foo.of("abc", "def"));
    PersistedFooDto dto = cut.transform(bo);
    assertThat(dto.getValues()).containsOnly("abc", "def");


Most other kinds of components and services are unit testable as well. But a lot of functionality in the world of Spring is triggered by the presence of annotations. In the next chapter we'll see an example of something that is not unit-, but integration testable: Caching

Integration Scope

Integration tests focus on verifying the use of framework features like caching, conditional dependency injection, aspects / interceptors etc. They also include tests which access resources like the file system, multithreading, system clock etc.

Since these kinds of test usually take some time to initialize some kind of context or access slow resources, they generally take longer than common unit tests. But not by much. As with all tests, time is money, don't waste any!

Writing fast integration tests depends mostly on specifying the optimal scope for your test. Don't blindly initialize half of your application just to test a single part of it!

Testing Spring Framework Usage

With Spring Test support, it's very easy to integration test your applications use of Spring framework features.

Let's say we wanted to test the use of caching by the FooService business service. This service is located in the com.example.sbms.business.foo package. Within this package there are also some other component classes which are used by the FooService. Since all of them already have unit test covering their functionality, we can create a lightweight Spring context, containing only the components and services of that package. All missing dependencies are mocked with @MockBean.

The SpringBootTest annotation will detect the inner @Configuration class and use it as a basis for the test context. In case no inner configuration is specified the original application will be started. So be careful to always limit your test scope to the bare minimum to test what you have to test!

public class FooServiceIntTest {

  static class TestConfig {}

  FooPersistenceService persistenceService;

  FooService cut;

  public void getFooForIdIsCached() {
    PersistedFoo foo = PersistedFoo.of(42L, Foo.of("abc"));

  public void nonHitsAreNotCached() {


NOTE: Currently there is no released Spring version with JUnit 5 support. There is however a JUnit 5 extension within the current Spring 5 snapshot. Functionally the JUnit 4 Runner and the JUnit 5 extension will be equal.

Testing REST Controllers

Testing a REST controller on the unit-scope is not very practical because there is generally not much logic within each endpoint method. On the integration scope level however, there are much more interesting things to test:

  • path mapping
  • response status
  • content types
  • serialization
  • exception handling

Springs MockMvc framework allows us to test a REST controllers functionality completely without having to start up an application, or even having to create a spring context. Simply create an instance of the controller, mock the business layer classes, use real transformers (since they are already unit tested at this point) and make some REST calls.

There is not really any downside to testing REST controllers only on the integration level. All the logic that would be tested in unit test would have also been tested here anyway. Even the runtime should not be an issue since MockMvc only adds about 10-30ms to your test runtime.

@AllArgsConstructor // for constructor injection
@RequestMapping(path = "/api/v1/foos", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE)
public class FooController {

  private final FooService service;
  private final Transformer<FooDto, Foo> dtoToBoTf;
  private final Transformer<PersistedFoo, PersistedFooDto> boToDtoTf;

  public List<PersistedFooDto> getFoos() {
    return service.getAll()
      .map(foo -> boToDtoTf.transform(foo))

  public PersistedFooDto getFoo(@PathVariable Long id) throws NotFoundException {
    Foo fooBo = service.getForId(id);
    return boToDtoTf.transform(persistedFooBo);

  public void deleteFoo(@PathVariable Long id) throws NotFoundException {

  public PersistedFooDto postFoo(@Valid @RequestBody FooDto fooDto) throws AlreadyExistsException {
    Foo fooBo = dtoToBoTf.transform(fooDto);
    Foo persistedFooBo = service.create(fooBo);
    return boToDtoTf.transform(persistedFooBo);

  public ErrorDto handleNotFoundException(NotFoundException e) {
    return ErrorDto.builder().message(e.getMessage()).build();

  public ErrorDto handleAlreadyExistsException(AlreadyExistsException e) {
    return ErrorDto.builder().message(e.getMessage()).build();

public class FooControllerIntTest implements RestControllerStereotypeTest {

  FooService service;
  FooDtoToBoTransformer dtoToBoTf;
  PersistedFooBoToDtoTransformer boToDtoTf;

  FooController cut;
  MockMvc mockMvc;

  void setupMockMvc() {
      cut = new FooController(service, dtoToBoTf, boToDtoTf);
      mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(cut).build();

  @DisplayName("GET on '/api/v1/foos'")
  class GetFoos {

    @DisplayName("returns empty list if there are no foos")
    void emptyResponse() throws Exception {

    @DisplayName("returns all available foos in any order")
    void returnsAllFoos() throws Exception {
      PersistedFoo foo1 = persistedFoo(1, "abc");
      PersistedFoo foo2 = persistedFoo(2, "def", "ghi");
      given(service.getAll()).willReturn(newHashSet(foo1, foo2));
      String expectedJson = new StringBuilder()//
        .append("{id: 1, values: ['abc']},")
        .append("{id: 2, values: ['def', 'ghi']}")


  @DisplayName("GET on '/api/foos/{id}'")
  class GetFooById {

    @DisplayName("returns foo if found")
    void returnsIfFound() throws Exception {
      PersistedFoo foo = persistedFoo(42L, "abc");
        .andExpect(content().json("{id: 42, values: ['abc']}"));

    @DisplayName("returns 404 (Not Found) if not found")
    public void handleNotFoundException() throws Exception {
      given(service.get(42L)).willThrow(new NotFoundException("error message"));
        .andExpect(content().json("{message: 'error message'}"));


  // additional test for other concerns and endpoints

  PersistedFoo persistedFoo(long id, String... values) {
    return PersistedFoo.of(id, Foo.of(values));


As you might have noticed, our REST controller test implements an interface RestControllerStereotypeTest. This interface contains a number of non-functional tests which should be executed for all of our REST controller classes.

public interface RestControllerStereotypeTest {

  @DisplayName("[Stereotype Test] only one constructor is present (for dependency injection)")
  default void beanHasOnlyOneConstructorForDependencyInjection() {
      Constructor<?>[] constructors = getCut().getClass().getDeclaredConstructors();

  @DisplayName("[Stereotype Test] @RestController annotation is present")
  default void restControllerAnnotationIsPresent() {

  @DisplayName("[Stereotype Test] each mapping method has an explicit response status")
  default void explicitResponseStatusIsDefined() {

    Predicate<Method> isMappingMethod =
      method -> method.isAnnotationPresent(RequestMapping.class)
        || method.isAnnotationPresent(GetMapping.class)
        || method.isAnnotationPresent(PostMapping.class)
        || method.isAnnotationPresent(DeleteMapping.class)
        || method.isAnnotationPresent(PutMapping.class);
    Predicate<Method> hasNotExplicitResponseStatus =
      method -> !method.isAnnotationPresent(ResponseStatus.class);

    List<String> errors = Arrays.stream(getCutClass().getDeclaredMethods())
      .map(method -> "method: " + method + " has no explicit response status!")


  default Class<?> getCutClass() {
    return getCut().getClass();

  Object getCut();


Testing Database Interactions

Integration testing your Spring Data (JPA) classes like Entity and Repository with Spring Boot is super easy. Spring's @DataJpaTest in combination with Springs JUnit runner provides the test with a Spring context, which will include all known @Entity classes and Repository beans. All other @Component or @Service beans will be ignored.

This context will also include an in-memory database. This database will be rolled back after each executed test. You could configure the test to use the default external database and even change the default rollback behavior, but for integration test purposes, in-memory is the ideal setup.

Note: The intent for integration level test of your persistence classes is to check your entity models correctness and your queries. All other kinds of tests (e.g. triggers or function inside the 'production' database) should be done as system-scoped tests.

A more detailed explanation can be found here.

public class FooRepositoryIntTest {

  TestEntityManager entityManager;
  FooRepository cut;

  public void findByIdReturnsEntityIfFound() {

    FooEntity foo1 = new FooEntity.builder()
    FooEntity foo2 = new FooEntity().builder()




Integration-Testing (Graphical) User Interfaces

UI Tests are slow - very very slow! But you can make them a little faster, and easier to control, by slicing your application. As seen with integration tests, Spring gives you the option to start only parts of your application. This can be useful when executing UI tests, since it allows you to boot up the real UI, but replace parts of your application with mocks or stub implementations.

In the following example, we start our application just with the classes of the com.example.sbms.ui.foo and com.example.sbms.business.foo packages. Since services of this package are calling the FooPersistenceService from the persistence layer, we provide a very fast in-memory implementation of this service in order to have full control over our test data, without having to interact with a cumbersome database.

To prevent port collisions, we tell spring to start the container on a random free port. This port is then injected into the test using @LocalServerPort. This way, we can execute multiple UI tests in parallel, each having his own port and application context.

This test is using WebTester as a browser driver.

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class FooControllerUiTest {

  @ComponentScan({"com.example.sbms.ui.foo", "com.example.sbms.business.foo"})
  static class TestConfiguration {

    public InMemoryFooPersistenceService fooService() {
      return new InMemoryFooPersistenceService();


  static Browser browser;

  int port;

  InMemoryFooPersistenceService persistenceService;

  public static void createBrowser() {
    browser = new FirefoxFactory().createBrowser();

  public void clearStorage() {

  public static void closeBrowser() {

  public void allFoosAreDisplayed() {
    persistenceService.create(Foo.of("def", "ghi"));
    FoosList list = openFoosPage().getFoos();
    assertThat(list.hasEntryFor("def", "ghi")).isTrue();

  public void createNewFoo() {
    FoosPage page = openFoosPage()
      .setValues("abc, def")
    assertThat(page.getFoos().hasEntryFor(1, "abc")).isTrue();

  FoosPage openFoosPage() {
    browser.open("http://localhost:" + port + "/ui/foos");
    return browser.create(FoosPage.class);


System Scope

System-scoped tests are generally the most costly to run and write. In contrast to integration tests, system tests will block resources of your machine (ports, sockets, database etc.). They often are based on booting up the complete application under near real conditions.

Smoke-Testing Your Application

The first and most important system-scoped test is the 'startup smoke test'. This test simply starts the spring application and shuts it down right after. The purpose of this test is to make sure, that all the dependency injection (and other framework features) could be performed. If the application can't start for some reason, an exception will break the test.

In order for this test to run successfully, external dependencies like a database and such, must be available! Any required configuration (e.g. test database connection) must be done externally via an application.properties or application.yml file.

public class ApplicationSystemTest {

  void applicationCanStartWithoutErrors(){


End-2-End Testing Your Application

With our unit-scoped test, we check specific functionality of each unit under test. Our integration-scoped tests verify that we are using framework features (caching, Spring Data, etc.) correctly. But all of these tests were only using isolated parts of our application. In order to make sure that the application as a whole is working as intended, we have to have a small number of End-2-End smoke tests.

These tests will use a completely booted up version of our software (see the above test) and a real database instance. Depending on the nature of your application and what other external services are called during normal operations, you might want to replace very specific classes with mocks. (e.g. gateways to external services, over which you don't have control)

The system-scope ends where your direct control over your external dependencies ends!

A typical End-2-End test would look something like this:

public class ApplicationSystemTest {

  SomeExternalServiceGateway externalGateway;

  TestRestTemplate template = new TestRestTemplate();

  public void foosCanBeCreatedAndRead() {

    String postUrl = "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/foos";
    FooDto postFoo = FooDto.builder().value("abc").build();
    ResponseEntity<PersistedFooDto> postResponse =
        template.postForEntity(postUrl, postFoo, PersistedFooDto.class);
    PersistedFooDto postPersistedFoo = postResponse.getBody();

    String getUrl = "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/foos/" + persistedFoo.getId();
    ResponseEntity<PersistedFooDto> getResponse =
        template.getForEntity(getUrl, PersistedFooDto.class);
    PersistedFooDto getPersistedFoo = getResponse.getBody();




Note: It might be a good idea to create a client (abstraction) implementation for your API. This would make it easier to write system tests as well as provide a basic "native" interface for Java based clients. Spring Cloud has an integration project for Netflix's "Feign" library. It allows you to generate a Java REST client at runtime by using the REST controller specification (methods and annotations). In order to do so, you would normally declare the REST specification on an interface and package this interface with all the relevant DTO classes as a separate module. The REST controllers would then just implement the interface in order to provide the service. The client would then use Feign to communicate with the server using the interface.

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