See for an example of using the library.
This module is very rough right now. The goal is to get feedback on key items such as:
- Naming
- Challenge handling
- Exception handling
In order to use the library and the Let's Encrypt service in general you will need to generate a couple of files. These are:
- A private account key
- A private cetificate key
- A certificate signing request ( CSR )
There are numerous ways to go about this. Below are some command line recipies using OpenSSL.
- Generate a new private key for the Let's Encrypt account:
$ openssl genrsa -out account_key.pem 2048
- Generate a new private key for the certificate:
$ openssl genrsa -out cert_key.pem 2048
3a) Generate a certificate signing request (CSR). For a single domain cert:
$ openssl req -new -sha256 -key cert_key.pem -outform der -subj "/" > csr.der
3b) Generating a CSR for a SAN cert ( multiple domains ) is a bit more work. Grab a version of openssl.cnf and add the following:
and then generate with something like:
$ openssl req -new -out test.csr -outform der -key cert_key.pem -config openssl.cnf -reqexts SAN -subj "/" -sha256
This will create a cert with three domains. will be in the subject and and will be in the SAN extension.
The goal of this module is to take away much of the need to understand the details of the Let's Encrypt ACME api. That said, having a rough understanding of the flow will be usefil. was writted and commented in a way to document the API and the manner in which to use the module.
The goal of the challenges code is to make it as flexible as possible by having the user provide a closure / function reference that is passed the the ACME module. Each identifier will need its own challenge fullfillment code.
TODO: Make this multiple modules that take care of different use cases such as dropping files locally, copying via SSH, pusting to github, etc. FLexibility is the goal.