What is ZX81 keyboard?
Closed this issue · 19 comments
Please tell me what is ZX81 keyboard in context of this interpreter? Is it a keyboard matrix wired like a real ZX81 keyboard? What are default pins for its connection? Can they be changed? Thanks.
Thanks. Are pins reassignable for nano, for example?
A really very reconfigurable intepreter. So after i SET output to display and input to keyboard, the "echo" of pressed keys will be also sent to display?
Therefore a standalone modern DIY Elektronika MK-85 like device, but 8-bit instead of 16, and with EEPROM instead of battery backup CMOS static RAM, is possible.
Compiler is even cooler, a similar feature exists in full version of Quick Basic (not Qbasic).
And also, when keyboard is not connected, and terminal is used, can i get "echo" of characters typed on terminal also sent to HD44780?
Yes, because without it i cannot type anything in the emulator i use (real hardware is not assembled yet because of lack of free time; i already have a real nano and a display). Without picoserial enabled, the virtual terminal in emulator only outputs text, but not inputs it (on emulated nano).
Thanks, using outch made this work as expected. Set 3,1 and all i type appears on HD44780.
Even though issue is closed, thanks again. Tried this on real hardware, here is have i got it working:
- Using real nano also requires activating picoserial, otherwise it does not react to typing text (so this is not bug in emulator). Outch also works same way as on emulator.
- R/W line has to be grounded on real HD44780 unit i use; on emulator it does not matter.
- Maximum contrast is when corresponding line of the display is fully grounded by the potentiometer, do not know whether all such displays behave like this one.
- My display unit is 20x2, but i found that even this is configurable.
Keyboard is not built yet.
If being disconnected and then reconnected, nano (with CH340G) "jumps" either from /dev/ttyUSB0 to /dev/ttyUSB1, or back to /dev/ttyUSB0, depending on where it was previously. Baud rate is always 9600.
I use minicom as terminal program, this may be the cause.