
We need a bookmark share/sync tool, so… Here's a Chrome extension.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dropbox for Bookmarks

A Chrome extension

My partner and I wanted to sync our bookmarks for recipe sharing. There aren't a lot of good options for that. So we decided it'd be fun to build it. And here we are.

Note: This is a work in progress and isn't meant for public use yet. The GitHub project does not include the server-side scripts yet, so don't download and install this expecting it to work. Once I have things a bit more organized, I'll include the server files. Eventually, the whole thing will be run as a service via a private server.

What it's supposed to do

This extension is supposed to sync bookmarks in a specified folder to a server file by user key, simple and plain.

What it actually does

As of version 0.2.2:

1. Browser Action
  • Adds a bookmark to a Chrome Bookmarks folder linked to the user's sync storage, then pushes the URL and Title of the new bookmark to user_key.json on a remote server.
2. Background Events
  • On Extension Install, generates a random 8-character user key to sync local Dropmarks to the server and creates the local Dropmarks folder in "Other Bookmarks".
  • Syncs local bookmarks with those on the server on startup.
  • Removes bookmarks from the server when they're removed locally.
  • Periodically checks server for new bookmarks and adds them.
3. Options Page
  • Displays your "unique" user key (note: user keys are not technically unique yet) which can be given to another user to sync a folder.
  • Replace this user key with another user's key and click "Update Key" to sync another user's bookmarks to yours.


I'm not looking for a lot of direct coding support right now, however I could use a good name for the project!