
Collection of my tutorials

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Presentations, Tutorials and Teaching materials

(c) 2019 by Alexander Schindler

Alexander Schindler, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

I am researching audio-visual aspects of music or acoustic information in general. I am currently employed as scientist at the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) and part-time as researcher at the Vienna University of Technology. I am specialized in applying deep learning methods to multi-modal approaches to music-related content analysis including music videos or album-art images, as well as sound event detection and audio similarity estimations. My research interests include information retrieval, specifically audio and video retrieval, image processing and machine learning with a focus on deep neural networks.

Website: http://ifs.tuwien.ac.at/~schindler
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Slychief
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/schindleralexander


Date Event Description Link
2020-10-16 Austrian Innovation Forum (AIF 2020) FAKE NEWS AUF DER SPUR - Ein Forschungsschwerpunkt über Medienmanipulation more
2020-01-27 Artificial Intelligence for Safety & Securtiy Guest lecture at FH St. Pölten. St. Pölten more
2019-11-28 International Conference on Creative\Media/Technologies (IConCMT 2020) Spotlight Workshop on Artificial Intelligence more
2019-11-25 AIT Seminar State of the Art in Fake News Detection (w. Mina Schütz) more
2019-11-06 Digital Days Vienna 2019 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and its application in Safety & Security more
2019-10-29 30th Vienna Deep Learning Meetup Fake News. From Shallow to Deep. How to create, detect and fight it. more
2019-10-18 Rigorosum, TU-Vienna Multi-Modal Information Retrieval: Augmenting Audio-Analysis with Visual Computing for Improved Music Video Analysis more
2019-09-06 CBMI, Dublin Paper presentation: Multi-Task Music Representation Learning from Multi-Label Embeddings. (Best Student Paper awarded) more
2019-05-24 Innovationslehrgang Data Science und Deep Learning (iDSDL) Deep Learning Application Examples more
2019-04-26 Innovationslehrgang Data Science und Deep Learning (iDSDL) Deep Learning Software Tools and Frameworks more
2019-03-13 Vienna Cyber Security Days 2019 Invited talk: "Artificial Intelligence & Security" more
2019-01-30 Innovationslehrgang TechFM4.0 KI Methoden Einführung / Grundlagen experimentellen Designs more
2019-01-09 Multimedia Modelling (MMM2019) Paper presentation "Large-scale audio-visual video analytics platform for forensic investigations of terroristic attacks" more
2019-01-09 Multimedia Modelling (MMM2019) Poster presentation "On the unsolved problem of shot boundary detection for music videos" more
2018-12-19 Intelligent Audio and Music Analysis (Lecture at TU-Vienna) Lecture notes "Acoustic Scene Classification and Event Detection" more
2018-09-23 19th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2018) Tutorial: "Deep Learning for MIR" more
2018-09-06 2nd International summer school on "Deep Learning and Visual Data Analysis" Introduction to Music Information Retrieval and Deep Learning for music and audio more
2018-09-04 Innovationslehrgang Data Science und Deep Learning (iDSDL) From Computational Thinking to Experiment Design to Data Centered Programming more
2018-07-11 ERCIM Journal Article "Contextualized Conversational Systems" more
2018-06-25 Austro-European Security Research Innovation Days inkl. 8. KIRAS-Fachtagung Invited Poster presentation "FLORIDA" more
2018-06-22 1st Austrian Music Information Retrieval Workshop Presentation "Music Video Infomration Retrieval" more
2018-06-07 Vienna Deep Learning Meetup Talk "Computer Vision - Then and now" more
2018-03-23 Machine Learning Prague (ML-Prague) Workshop: "Deep Learning for Music Classification using Keras" more
2017-11-16 Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events Workshop (DCASE2017) Poster presentation "Multi Temporal resolution Convolutional Neural Networks for Acoustic Scene Classification" more
2017-07-11 BirdCLEF / LifeCLEF 2017 Paper "A Multi-modal Deep Neural Network approach to Bird-song identification" more
2017-06-08 Forum Media Technology (FMT2017) Paper presentation "Fashion and Apparel Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks" more
2017-05-16 TU-Vienna Lecture Advanced Information Retrieval more
2017-02-23 Music Information Retrieval Evaluation Exchange (MIREX2017) Technical Report / Challenge Submission "Parallel Convolutional Neural Networks for Music Genre and Mood Classification" more
2016-11-23 Forum Media Technology (FMT2016) Paper "Comparing Shallow versus Deep Neural Network Architectures for Automatic Music Genre Classification" more
2016-10-25 ACM Transactions on Intelligent and Interactive Systems (TIST) Journal Paper "Harnessing Music related Visual Stereotypes for Music Information Retrieval" more
2016-10-25 EuroMED Conference 2016 Paper presentation "The Europeana Music Information Retrieval Prototype" more
2016-03-16 TU-Wien COCOS Workshop Talk "Music Information Retrieval" more
2016-02-23 Joint Seminar between Austria (FWF) and Taiwan (MOST): Culture- and Location-aware Music Recommendation and Retrieval Talk "Cross-Cultural Music Perception and Retrieval" more
2016-02-22 Joint Seminar between Austria (FWF) and Taiwan (MOST): Culture- and Location-aware Music Recommendation and Retrieval Talk "Music Video Information Retrieval" more
2016-08-31 Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events Workshop (DCASE2016) Poster presentation "CQT-based Convolutional Neural Networks for Audio Scene Classification and Domestic Audio Tagging" more
2015-07-27 Haus der Musik Talk "Sound & Audio-Visuals" more
2015-07-10 OCG Journal Article "Klingende Bausteine für die Industrie" more
2018-04-13 ERCIM Journal Article "MusicBricks: Connecting Digital Creators to the Internet of Music Things" more
2015-03-25 European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR2015) Poster presentation "An Audio-Visual Approach to Music Genre Classification through Affective Color Features" more
2015-03-01 Europeana Sounds Project Score Following / Audio to Score alignment from scanned score using Optical Music Recognition (OMR) in Python more
2013-10-11 Computer Music, Modelling and Retrieval (CMMR2013) Poster presentation "A Music Video Information Retrieval Approach to Artist Identification" more
2013-09-06 Open Research Challenges in Digital Preservation (ORC2013) Paper presentation "Towards Objective Quality Assessment in Digotal Collections" more
2012-10-24 International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval (AMR2012) Poster presentation "Capturing the Temporal Domain in Echonest Features for Improved Classification Effectiveness" more
2012-10-08 International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2012) Poster presentation "Facilitating Comprehensive Benchmarking Experiments on the Million Song Dataset" more
2011-10-28 International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2011) Poster presentation "Million Song Dataset inetegration into the Clubmixer Framework" more
2010-10-24 International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval (AMR2010) Paper presentation "Clubmixer: A Presentation Platform for MIR Projects" more