UPD 2023.5: This patch is obsolete. The ONVIF integration has been finally fixed in HA 2023.5

UPD 2023.6: Something is changed in the ONVIF integration around pull point subscribtion / webhooks. It caused most XM cameras to hang/reboot/glitches. Disabling the WebHooks option in the integration settings helps with some XM cameras, but not for all. I'm going back to use this patch instead of build-in ONVIF integration again.

UPD 2023.9: I recommend to use the following instead of ONVIF integration

The ONVIF integration in Home Assistant is very conservative. It does not work with many cameras because some bugs are not fixed for years. It is impossible to setup some cameras at all. Some cameras can be added, but sensors do not work. See this issue for more details.

This integration depends on onvif-zeep-async==1.2.1 and onvif-zeep-async depends on zeep[async]==4.1.0.

Zeep 4.0.0 has been released in October 2020. It contains a lot of pull request for many months. I have no idea if my patch will be merged and when. After that, you need to wait for a new release and it should be integrated into Home Assistant. Perhaps you need to wait another year. Perhaps this will never happen. Who knows?

UPD 2021.8: Zeep 4.1.0 has been released in August 2021. My patch was merged and then reverted. It seems the official ONVIF component won't be fixed in the coming years.

This merge request is very revealing too.

I have collected few own patches to zeep and ONVIF integration. I have renamed zeep and onvif-zeep-async modules to avoid conflicts and fixed the ONVIF integration to use these modules.

If you need to use XM (XiongMai, XMEye, iCSee), Wansview and many other ONVIF cameras, which are not supported yet, with Home Assistant ONVIF integration right now, just unpack ha_custom_onvif.zip to config/custom_components folder of your Home Assistant and restart it.

I hope one day this will no longer be necessary.

Known bugs: Wanscam ONVIF implementation is very buggy. Some Wanscam cameras can be added after disabling Renew request immediately after creating PullPointSubscription (event.py, line 86). But it still does not work because GetStreamUri request fails. It seems Wanscam expects <Stream or <tt:Stream tag, but got <ns1:Stream xmlns:ns1="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/schema">. Currently I don't know how to gracefully clean namespaces ns0, ns1, etc. in the soap request generated by zeep. There is no way to provide a custom nsmap.

Note: I have inverted the value of binary_sensors Tamper Detection, Motion Alarm, Cell Motion Detection and Digital Input, because it is necessary at least for XM cameras. If you don't need it, just change Value != "true" to Value == "true" in the file parsers.py.