
Custom RegEx, Exact, and Adlist filters for Pi-hole's FTLDNS

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Pi-hole® v5+ FTLDNS: Advanced Filter Collection

Maximize the efficiency of your Pi-hole setup with our extensive collection of Regular Expressions (RegEx) and Exact Match filters. Designed to block a broad range of domains effectively, our filters simplify your blocking strategy by minimizing the need for numerous individual entries. Additionally, this repository includes customizable Exact Match filters for precise domain blocking and tools to facilitate the easy management of Adlist Group entries.

Quick Links

Filter Lists Overview

Our expertly curated filter lists are tailored to bolster your Pi-hole's domain blocking capabilities. Each list is focused on eliminating specific types of unwanted content, offering a more refined and efficient filtering approach:

Script Name Access Link
Adlists View
Exact Whitelist View
Exact Blacklist View
RegEx Whitelist View
RegEx Blacklist View

Getting Started


This collection is compatible with Pi-hole (FTLDNS) version 5 and newer.


To get started, ensure your system meets the following requirements:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y curl python3 python3-colorama sqlite3

Another way to install the colorama module:

pip install colorama

Remote Management Tools

For managing your Pi-hole remotely, consider using one of the following SSH clients:

  • OpenSSH - A secure shell for remote management.
  • PuTTY - A popular SSH and telnet client for Windows.
  • Termius - A versatile SSH client for Android, iOS, and Desktop.


Follow these steps to apply the advanced filter collection to your Pi-hole setup:

RegEx and Exact Lists

Download and execute the installation script for RegEx and Exact Match filters:

curl -LSso pi.py https://pi.optimizethis.net
sudo python3 pi.py


To apply the Adlists filters, download and run the corresponding script:

curl -LSso adlist.py https://adlist.optimizethis.net
sudo python3 adlist.py