
AWS S3 Tile Map Server - Google Cloud Kubernetes deployment

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AWS S3 Tile Map Server - Google Cloud Kubernetes deployment

About the Project

  • This is a playground project I've used to to learn some k8s
  • The goal was to create a simple TMS deployed to Kubernetes cluster
  • Map tiles are served directly from AWS S3 bucket
  • The K8s cluster is managed by Google Cloud

Disclaimer: You won't be able to just launch it without some fiddling with the configuration files, as some values are hard-coded.


The code comes with a Vagrantfile that has all necessary tooling installed, so your system can stay clean.

.env file

You will need to create an .env file with following variables:

  • REGISTRY = gcr.io/microatlas-203915

Those are used in docker-compose.yml files.

k8s secrets

You will also have to create a k8s/secrets/mapsrv-aws.yml file with secrets required to run the app on a Kubernetes cluster.


Included Makefile has some helpers to build and push all necessary docker images.

Run make build to build all necessary docker images.


You can simply use kubectl apply -f k8s/microatlas.yml