

This site contains the codes and resources for exome chip processing protocol.

The list of codes:

Name Language Step Called By Notes
MergeSampleSheet.pl Perl 1B User Merging sample sheets
runZcall.py Python 34A User Run zCall
Gender.R R 39 User Checking for sex mismatch
PCAPlot.R R 43 User Draw scatter plot of principle Components
PlotHWE.R R 48 User Plot histograms of HWE test
PlotHeterozygosity.R R 50 User Compute heterozygosity and plot histograms of heterozygosity and inbreeding coefficient
ConsistencyDupSNP.sh Shell Script 51 User Prepare data for checking consistency of duplicated SNPs
ConsistencyDupSNP.pl Perl 51 ConsistencyDupSNP.sh Checking genotyping consistency of duplciated SNPs, called by ConsistencyDupSNP.sh
Consistency1000G.sh Shell Script 52 User Prepare data for checking consistency with 1000G
Consistency1000GSNP.pl Perl 52 Consistency1000G.sh Checking genotyping consistency with 1000G, called by Consistency1000G.sh
exclude.pl Perl 52 Consistency1000G.sh Exclude bad SNPs
AlleleFreq1000G.sh Shell Script 53 User Compute allele frequency of 1000G
vcf_to_ped.py Python 53 AlleleFreq1000G.sh Convert VCF to ped
AlleleFreqExome.sh Shell Script 55 User Compute allale frequency of exome chip
MAFtoAF.py Python 55 AlleleFreqExome.sh Change MAF to allele frequency
1000GAlleleFreqPlot.R R 56 User Plot allele frequency scatter plot between 1000G and exome chip
BatchAlleleFreqMatrix.R R 57 User Plot correlation matrix between batches
filter.pl Perl 52, 55 AlleleFreqExome.sh, Consistency1000G.sh Filter out non-overlapping SNPs

For the resources files, you need to download them from the following links and then copy them to the resources folder under exome chip processing protocol codes folder. And you need to unzip 1000G_ExomeChipOverlapVCF.zip to get G1000.vcf.

The list of resources for 12V1_A exome chip:

Name Used by Command Called by Notes
PAR_SNPs.txt 13 User in GenomeStudio This is a list of all PAR SNPs on the exome chip, can be used for filtering them out in GenomeStudio
Aims.txt 40 User List of all AIMs markers on exome chip
g1k_HumanExome-12v1_A_SNPs 52 Consistency1000G.sh 1000G Overlapped SNP list
g1k_HumanExome-12v1_A_SNPs.bed 52 Consistency1000G.sh 1000G Overlapped SNP list
g1k_HumanExome-12v1_A_SNPs.bim 52 Consistency1000G.sh 1000G Overlapped SNP list
g1k_HumanExome-12v1_A_SNPs.fam 52 Consistency1000G.sh 1000G Overlapped SNP list
dup_snp_pair 51 ConsistencyDupSNP.sh Duplicated SNP list
1000G_ExomeChipOverlapVCF.zip (G1000.vcf) 53, 55 AlleleFreq1000G.sh, AlleleFreqExome.sh, vcf_to_ped.py VCF file of 1000G data which only contains SNP overlapped with exome chip
chr23_26.txt 44 plink list of SNPs from Chr X, Y and MT
integrated_call_samples.20101123.ped 53 vcf_to_ped.py Downloaded from 1000G
integrated_call_samples.20101123.ALL.panel 52 Consistency1000G.sh 1000 Genome sample information downloaded from 1000G