WANLP 2022: Multilingual Multi-Granularity Network for Propaganda Detection

Primary LanguagePython

Multilingual Multi-Granularity Network (mMGN)

This repository contains the code for the paper:
Multilingual Multi-Granularity Network for Propaganda Detection
Shubham Mittal and Preslav Nakov

The code is adapted from Da San Martino et al., 2019.


Download data and official scorer from WANLP'2022 Shared Task

git clone https://gitlab.com/arabic-nlp/propaganda-detection.git

Install dependencies

git clone https://github.com/sm354/mMGN.git
conda create --name mmgn python=3.7
conda activate mmgn
pip install -r mMGN/requirements.txt

Install dependencies required for official scorer

pip install -r propaganda-detection/requirements.txt

Task 1: multi-label classification problem


python run_task1.py --train --plm xlm-roberta-large --checkdir checkpoints --bs 32 --plm_lr 1e-5 --lr 3e-4 --ep 40 --name task1_xlmr --trainset ../propaganda-detection/data/task1_train.json --devset ../propaganda-detection/data/task1_dev_test.json


python run_task1.py --weights checkpoints/task1_xlmr.pt --plm xlm-roberta-large --checkdir checkpoints --name task1_xlmr --testset ../propaganda-detection/data/task1_test_gold_label_final.json

Task 2: sequence tagging problem using mMGN


python run_task2.py --train --plm bert-base-multilingual-cased --checkdir checkpoints --bs 16 --plm_lr 3e-5 --ep 30 --name task2_mMGN --trainset ../propaganda-detection/data/task2_train.json --devset ../propaganda-detection/data/task2_dev_test.json 


python run_task2.py --weights checkpoints/task2_mMGN.pt --plm xlm-roberta-large --checkdir checkpoints --name task2_mMGN --testset ../propaganda-detection/data/task2_test_gold_label_final.json

Evaluation using official scorer

cd ../propaganda-detection/scorer/

Task 1

python3 task1.py -g ../data/task1_test_gold_label_final.json -p ../../mMGN/checkpoints/task1_xlmr.json  -c ../techniques_list_task1-2.txt

Task 2

python3 task-2-semeval21_scorer.py -s ../../mMGN/checkpoints/task2_mMGN.json -r ../data/task2_test_gold_label_final.json -p ../techniques_list_task1-2.txt 


If you use or extend our work, please cite:

    title = "{IITD} at {WANLP} 2022 Shared Task: Multilingual Multi-Granularity Network for Propaganda Detection",
    author = "Mittal, Shubham  and
      Nakov, Preslav",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the The Seventh Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop (WANLP)",
    month = dec,
    year = "2022",
    address = "Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (Hybrid)",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2022.wanlp-1.63",
    pages = "529--533",
    abstract = "We present our system for the two subtasks of the shared task on propaganda detection in Arabic, part of WANLP{'}2022. Subtask 1 is a multi-label classification problem to find the propaganda techniques used in a given tweet. Our system for this task uses XLM-R to predict probabilities for the target tweet to use each of the techniques. In addition to finding the techniques, subtask 2 further asks to identify the textual span for each instance of each technique that is present in the tweet; the task can be modelled as a sequence tagging problem. We use a multi-granularity network with mBERT encoder for subtask 2. Overall, our system ranks second for both subtasks (out of 14 and 3 participants, respectively). Our experimental results and analysis show that it does not help to use a much larger English corpus annotated with propaganda techniques, regardless of whether used in English or after translation to Arabic.",