
ttn_gateway based on the latest SX1301 driver lora_gateway v5.0.1 and semtech packet_forwarder v4.0.1

Installation procedure

step1 : Download and install Raspbian Stretch LITE

step2 : Use command "sudo raspi-config", choose "Interfacing Options", enable spi and i2c interface

  $ sudo raspi-config

step3 : Clone the installer and start the installation

  $ git clone https://github.com/RAKWireless/RAK2245-LoRaGateway-RPi-Raspbian-OS.git ~/RAK2245-LoRaGateway-RPi-Raspbian-OS
  $ cd ~/RAK2245-LoRaGateway-RPi-Raspbian-OS
  $ sudo ./install.sh

step4 : Next you will see some messages as follow. Just hit the Enter key to keep default or enter your information if you want.

  Host name [rak-gateway]:
  Latitude [0]: 
  Longitude [0]: 
  Altitude [0]: 

step4 : Now you have a running gateway after restart!