
A simple game to learn Spanish words.

Primary LanguageKotlinGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A simple game to learn Spanish words

Solution and flow

Firstly I used TDD methodology to develope game engin and repositoy,then because of time limit I left out TDD to complete the app through best time.

At the beginning of application start up koin provides dependencies. Next, MainActivity asks the GameViewModel to init the game. The ViewModel asks the GameFactory to load game data and create a new game. Inside the Factory there is a repository variable which uses to load data from our json file.

Library and Solutions:

  • TDD development method (30%)
  • Koin dependency injection
  • RxJava async data loading / state handling
  • MVVM main app architecture (using Android ViewModel and LiveData)
  • MockK mocking purpose
  • TileDrawable and RxSchedulersOverrideRule copied from another projects!

Time Allocation

I have spent 7 hours and 45 minutes to complete this project (Honestly 4 hours were too short for achieving an acceptable result)

  • 1:30 hours to make decision about app architecture/libraries to get the proper result based on time limit and project scale
  • 2:30 hours to develop game engine (game/factory/repository classes) using TDD methodology
  • 3:15 hours to implement ui classes (activity/ViewModel/dialogs)
  • 30 minutes to improve ui

Important decisions

There were two decisions points, one of which was the architecture, I really adore Clean Architecture, but for such a project in a tight time there is no reason to use that! The second point was choosing the proper Dependency Injection frameworks. As I have experience in either Dagger and Koin, I went for Koin since it helps me to save much time in building project and providing dependencies.

Next Step?

There are the features which I would implement if I had enough time:

  • Animation and UI improvements
  • Increase test coverage
  • Add levels, offline database and online updates
  • Adding some gamifications