is a client for DataDog service
for the Clojure programming language.
Include the following dependency in your project.clj file:
:dependencies [[clj-datadog "3.0.1"]]
Example Usage
To start tracking events and sending them to DataDog, you firstly have to register account and install DataGog agent that will start StatsD server on the machine you are running your application.
Then import datadog in your namespace:
(require '[truckerpath.clj-datadog.core :as dd])
Following datadog metric methods are available:
DataDog connection
You have to provide a map with host and port of DataDog agent or an empty map
to use default ({:host "" :port 8125}
You may also create macros like
(def datadog-spec {:host "ddhost" :port 8126})
(defmacro dd-inc [& args] `(dd/increment datadog-spec ~@args))
(defmacro dd-dec [& args] `(dd/decrement datadog-spec ~@args))
You can use either amount or DataDog tags or both. Decrements are completely symmetrical to increments but with negative values.
(dd/increment {} "page.views")
(dd/increment {} "page.views" 10)
(dd/increment {} "error.count" {:page "products"})
(dd/increment {} "active.connections" 3 {:service "db"})
(dd/decrement {} "")
(dd/decrement {} "" {:group "admins"})
Gauges require value to be specified, but tags can be omitted
(dd/gauge {} "total.posts" 526)
(dd/gauge {} "total.posts" 526 {:site "main"})
You can report time directly or using a macro that will do reporting as a side-effect.
In second case tags are required, even if empty.
(dd/timing {} "db.query.time" 843 {:query "find-by-id"})
(dd/timed {} "" {:service service}
(http/get remote-uri {:socket-timeout timeout}))
Implementation of component is available in truckerpath.clj-datadog.component
To run tests do:
lein expectations
Copyright © 2015 TruckerPath
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.