Front end web developer, film photographer, graphic designer, illustrator, and all around maker of things based in Austin, Texas.
Austin, TX
Pinned Repositories
Bamazon is an Amazon-esque app that takes in orders through Node from customers and depletes stock (stored in a MySQL database) based on the store's inventory.
This basic portfolio was an exercise in HTML and CSS. It follows an assigned wireframe, with a bit of personal styling.
Reskinned proj-1 (Austin-Aware) repo. Suitable as a starting point for proj-2.
The Friend Finder application is basically a dating app, but for makin' new buddies. This full-stack site will take in users' surveys, then compare their answers with those from other users. The app will then display the name and picture of the user with the best overall match.
Here's a great little site that celebrates everyone's love for 90's tv shows — in gif form. This was our first foray into using api calls. I used, for the first time, Skeleton as a framework (my new favorite, in fact — love the minimalism). Giftastic allows you to click on existing buttons to load 9 random gif's related to the subject, and to add your own buttons.
This game is classic hangman with a Harry Potter theme. You are given a random word with blanks instead of letters, and it's up to you to figure out the word, letter by letter, before your guesses run out. This was our first big foray into using Javascript to create something fun and functional.
Muscene is an app that makes it easy to find upcoming events from artists that are similar to the ones you love. Enter your location and a favorite artist. You'll be shown an image, bio, and the top rated song for the searched artist, as well as a few artists that are similar. You can choose to select one, a few, or all of the artists — when you do, you'll see when those artists are playing upcoming shows near you.
Plant Based is a trivia game. You have a set amount of time to answer the question correctly; otherwise you'll have a few seconds to view the answer before it moves onto the next. In the end, you'll see your final score out of 10 questions.
smaashthemac's Repositories
Muscene is an app that makes it easy to find upcoming events from artists that are similar to the ones you love. Enter your location and a favorite artist. You'll be shown an image, bio, and the top rated song for the searched artist, as well as a few artists that are similar. You can choose to select one, a few, or all of the artists — when you do, you'll see when those artists are playing upcoming shows near you.
Bamazon is an Amazon-esque app that takes in orders through Node from customers and depletes stock (stored in a MySQL database) based on the store's inventory.
This basic portfolio was an exercise in HTML and CSS. It follows an assigned wireframe, with a bit of personal styling.
Reskinned proj-1 (Austin-Aware) repo. Suitable as a starting point for proj-2.
The Friend Finder application is basically a dating app, but for makin' new buddies. This full-stack site will take in users' surveys, then compare their answers with those from other users. The app will then display the name and picture of the user with the best overall match.
Here's a great little site that celebrates everyone's love for 90's tv shows — in gif form. This was our first foray into using api calls. I used, for the first time, Skeleton as a framework (my new favorite, in fact — love the minimalism). Giftastic allows you to click on existing buttons to load 9 random gif's related to the subject, and to add your own buttons.
This game is classic hangman with a Harry Potter theme. You are given a random word with blanks instead of letters, and it's up to you to figure out the word, letter by letter, before your guesses run out. This was our first big foray into using Javascript to create something fun and functional.
Plant Based is a trivia game. You have a set amount of time to answer the question correctly; otherwise you'll have a few seconds to view the answer before it moves onto the next. In the end, you'll see your final score out of 10 questions.
This basic portfolio is a redo of our original basic portfolio assignment, only this one uses a Bootstrap template.
Can't complain is an application with endless pieces of advice to make you feel good; to get you up off the couch; to inspire you to do something that'll make you smile. On load, the page grabs the user's location and displays a random piece of advice from a database. The user can click again and again until they find one they're interested in, then based on the type of advice, the app will return results from a number of API's — for local trails, and weather, for example. It also utilizes Google Maps.
Crystal Collector incorporates is a game of chance and mathematics. Each game, the target number and crystal values are randomly generated, and it's your goal to click on the correct combination of crystals to reach the target number. If you do, try again!
Eat Da Burger is an app that allows users to log burgers they would like to eat and have eaten. The user is welcome to add burgers, which will automatically show as not eaten. When the user clicks the "Devour it!" button, the burger shows that it has been eaten. Each burger, whether eaten or not, is stored in the MySQL database.
Mongo Scraper is a web app that utilizes Mongoose and Cheerio to scrape Lucky Peach (a wonderful food magazine) and return the results to the user, allowing them to save articles and make notes on them.
LIRI is an application just like Apple's SIRI, but instead of a Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface, LIRI is a Language Interpretation and Recognition interface. It takes in parameters in a command line Node and gives back data to the user.
This is a React-based New York Times Article Search application. It includes React components, helper functions, and the React mounting lifecycle to query and display articles based on user searches. It also uses Node, Express and MongoDB so that users can save articles to read later.
This basic portfolio was an exercise in HTML and CSS, which followed an assigned wireframe, with a bit of personal styling. This version was updated to include responsive design and media queries for different sized screens.
Practice building temporary server connections.