
an example ros package for testing the niryo one robot arm connection

Primary LanguageC++

Niryo One Tester


This package serves as an example on how to communicate with the Niryo One robot arm via ROS, by establishing an action server connection.


This package depends on the actionlib and the niryo_one_msgs packages


Please refer to the documentation of the actionlib package


In your catkin workspace source folder, do

$ git clone https://github.com/NiryoRobotics/niryo_one_ros.git
$ catkin build

this will get you the whole Niryo One ros stack


In your catkin worksapces source folder, do

$ git clone https://github.com/smaassen/niryo_one_tester.git
$ catkin build

Included nodes


An example node that walks you through simple commands like move to pose (rpy, or qutarniion) and close/open gripper

Run code

Conect to Niryo one and change ROS_MASTER

First you have to connect to the niryo one wifi according to their documentation. Onec wifi connection is established you shoudl open a new terminal and change the ROS_MASTER_URI


You should now be able to see all the published topics by the robot by typing

rostopic list

Run the node

In the same terminal window, run the node (for example simple_command_node) by

rosrun niryo_one_tester simple_command_node


The source code is released under a BSD 3-Clause license


Author(s): Steve Maassen
Maintainer: Steve Maassen, smaassen@ethz.ch
Affiliation: Autonomous Systems Lab, ETH Zurich / Disney Research Lab Zurich