Companion site for my book Practical R for Mass Communication & Journalism, part of the CRC Press R Series
- alex-calderwoodNew York
- amrcode1Lima, Peru
- andydaviesGloucestershire, UK
- buesa82(Student at Coursera)
- daviddbirdEdinburgh
- eddingsArizona
- emmagallegos
- gabrielacaesarSão Paulo, Brazil
- GarrettMooneyPittsburgh, PA
- haoyuns
- hilaryfung@nprapps
- jdm79London
- jimrothsteinEugene, OR | Dalian, China
- joebobhester
- joedinotoIntrepid, LLC
- KirillShamanToronto
- m040601somecompany1
- marcoscan
- MayraHinojosa
- mhkellercsv soundsytem, NY Times
- MonkmanMHProvince of British Columbia
- msoaresLagom Data
- paulbradshawBirmingham City University, BBC
- RaoOfPhysicsCOALESCE (UWE Bristol); ICCS, Cambridge
- reichavesAbraji
- reveluntDepartment of Communication, Yonsei University, S. Korea
- rolkraVienna
- RoyaImani
- santiagomotaFreelance
- simongxkingUSST
- spswanz
- Thom-J-H
- tienyuan-huangNational Sun Yat-sen University
- werkstattcodes
- yishingene
- zhiliang-linGuangzhou Nanfang College