
SDK for Android

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


This SDK allows you to talk to Bots over a web socket.


- SDK app credentials (Create your SDk app in bot admin console to aquire the client id and client secret.
- jwt assertion generation methodology. ex: service which will be used in the assertion function injected as part of obtaining the connection.

Running the Demo app

Download or clone the repository.
Import the project.
Run the app.

Integrating into your app

1. Create BotClient object

Create BotClient object providing context.
BotClient botClient = new BotClient(context);

2. Implement SocketConnectionListener

Implement this interface to receive callbacks
SocketConnectionListener socketConnectionListener = new SocketConnectionListener() {

3. Initializing the RTM client

String accessToken = "Y6w*******************";
String chatBot = "My Bot";
String taskBotId = "st-**************";
botClient.connectAsAuthenticatedUser(accessToken, chatBot, taskBotId, socketConnectionListener);

4. Send message

botClient.sendMessage("Tweet hello")

5. Listen to events

Listen to events in socketConnectionListener.

public void onOpen() {
public void onClose(WebSocket.WebSocketConnectionObserver.WebSocketCloseNotification code, String reason) {
public void onTextMessage(String payload) {
public void onRawTextMessage(byte[] payload) {
public void onBinaryMessage(byte[] payload) {

6. Subscribe to push notifications

BotPushNotification botPushNotification =  new BotPushNotification(requestListener);
botPushNotification.registerPushNotification(Context context, String userId, String accessToken, String deviceId);

7. Unsubscribe to push notifications

BotPushNotification botPushNotification =  new BotPushNotification(requestListener);
botPushNotification.unsubscribePushNotification(Context context, String accessToken, String deviceId);

8. Anonymous user login

String clientId = "YOUR_SDK_CLIENTID";
botClient.connectAsAnonymousUser(String clientId, SocketConnectionListener socketConnectionListener)

9. Disconnect

Invoke to disconnect previous socket connection upon closing Activity/Fragment or upon destroying view.



Copyright © Kore, Inc. MIT License; see LICENSE for further details.