
Entity specific mining is to make use of different APIs for information retrieval based on the entity type and then analyze this information fetched from multiple sources and represent it in a summarized form. Example: Taj Mahal (location), Katy Perry (music), Sachin Tendulkar (person). In this approach information about the Taj Mahal is gathered using various web apis to give more holistic view of the entity.

Primary LanguageJava


Entity specific mining is to make use of different APIs for information retrieval based on the entity type and then analyze this information fetched from multiple sources and represent it in a summarized form. Example: Taj Mahal (location), Katy Perry (music), Sachin Tendulkar (person). In this approach information about the Taj Mahal is gathered using various web apis to give more holistic view of the entity. IRE Major Project

Entity Mining

Required tools

1)Maven 2)Apache tomcat 3)Intellij IDEA

Dependency will be downloaded by Maven

Run 'mvn install' command, it creates war file in target/ copy war file to apache-tomcat/webapps folder

restart apache-tomcat