
Ansible playbooks

GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Ansible playbooks


This playbooks goes through the steps of a Matlab installation from an ISO image. The ISO image could be made visible in two ways:

  • By providing an URL where the ISO image could be taken from
  • By providing a Cinder Volume ID containing the ISO image.

The license activation type is Network Concurrent Lincese.

The playbook makes use of the roles/openstack/tasks/cinder.yml task to attach a Cinder Volume containing the Matlab ISO image (in this case the variable download_iso should be set to false).

How to use the playbook:

$ ansible-playbook -i <inventory_file> matlab.yml vm_id=<>

As the openstack/cinder task uses the nova CLI, it is required that the python-novaclient package is installed and the OS_USERNAME, OS_PASSWORD, OS_TENANT_IS, OS_AUTH_URL environmental variable defined.

Matlab MCR

This playbook install only a Matlab MCR environment. This allows to run Matlab compiled scripts without the need of a license activation.

How to use the playbook: $ ansible-playbook -i <inventoy_file> matlab-mcr.yml


This is a playbook created for the UniSpital usecase. It complements the gridengine playbook available in elasticluster.

The playbook simply creates few additional mount point on the cluster frontend and export them to the other nodes of the cluster.

Benchmark mm.ibf.uzh

This playbook has been created for a usecase from the Institute of Banking and Finance at the University of Zurich.

The playbook deploys igraph for C++, python and R. By using the install_python install_R install_cpp variables, it is possible to deploy any of them.