A JVM implementation of the Raft distributed consensus algorithm written in Scala. CKite is a library to be used by distributed applications needing consensus agreement.
CKite covers all the major topics of Raft including leader election, log replication, log compaction and cluster membership changes. It is a work in constant progress. For development & testing purposes it contains an embedded key-value store app demonstrating the algorithm functioning trough simple puts and gets. It will be extracted soon from the CKite library as an example of use. Performance tests will be included soon.
- Leader Election
- Log Replication
- Cluster Membership Changes
- Log Compaction
- Finagle based RPC between members
- REST admin console
//KVStore is a simple distributed Map accepting Puts and Gets
class KVStore extends StateMachine {
val map = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, String]()
//called when a consensus has been reached for a WriteCommand or when a ReadCommand was received
override def apply(command: Command): Any = {
command match {
case Put(key: String, value: String) => {
map.put(key, value)
case Get(key: String) => map.get(key)
//called during Log replay on startup and upon installSnapshot requests
override def deserialize(snapshotBytes: Array[Byte]) = {
//some deserialization mechanism
//called when Log compaction is required
override def serialize(): Array[Byte] = {
//some serialization mechanism
//WriteCommands are replicated under Raft rules
case class Put[Key,Value](key: Key, value: Value) extends WriteCommand
//ReadCommands are not replicated but forwarded to the Leader
case class Get[Key](key: Key) extends ReadCommand
val ckite = CKiteBuilder().withLocalBinding("localhost:9091")
.withMinElectionTimeout(1000).withMaxElectionTimeout(1500) //optional
.withHeartbeatsInterval(250) //optional
.withDataDir("/home/ckite/data") //dataDir for persistent state (log, terms, snapshots, etc...)
.withStateMachine(new KVStore()) //KVStore is an implementation of the StateMachine trait
//this Put command is forwarded to the Leader and applied under Raft rules
//consistent read commands are forwarded to the Leader
val value = ckite.read[String](Get("key1"))
//as write commands, cluster membership changes are forwarded to the Leader
//as write commands, cluster membership changes are forwarded to the Leader
//alternatively you can read from its local state machine allowing possible stale values
val value = ckite.readLocal[String](Get("key1"))
//if necessary waits for elections to end
CKite exposes an admin console showing its status and useful metrics. If the rpc port is 9091 then the admin console is exposed under http://localhost:10091/status by default.
cluster: {
term: 1,
state: "Leader",
stateInfo: {
leaderUptime: "2.minutes+13.seconds+148.milliseconds",
lastHeartbeatsACKs: {
localhost:9093: "128.milliseconds",
localhost:9092: "128.milliseconds",
localhost:9095: "127.milliseconds",
localhost:9094: "128.milliseconds"
log: {
length: 9,
commitIndex: 9,
lastLog: {
term: 1,
index: 9,
command: {
key: "k1",
value: "v1"
cluster: {
term: 1,
state: "Follower",
stateInfo: {
following: "Some(localhost:9091)"
log: {
length: 9,
commitIndex: 9,
lastLog: {
term: 1,
index: 9,
command: {
key: "k1",
value: "v1"
sbt run -Dport=9091 -Dmembers=localhost:9092,localhost:9093 -DdataDir=/tmp/ckite/member1
sbt run -Dport=9092 -Dmembers=localhost:9091,localhost:9093 -DdataDir=/tmp/ckite/member2
sbt run -Dport=9093 -Dmembers=localhost:9092,localhost:9091 -DdataDir=/tmp/ckite/member3
curl http://localhost:10091/put/key1/value1
curl http://localhost:10092/get/key1
curl http://localhost:10093/status
curl http://localhost:10091/changecluster/localhost:9091,localhost:9092,localhost:9093,localhost:9094
sbt run -Dport=9094 -Dmembers=localhost:9092,localhost:9091,localhost:9093 -DdataDir=/tmp/ckite/member4
- Built in Scala.
- Twitter Finagle.
- Thrift.
- Twitter Scrooge.
Feel free to contribute to CKite!. Any kind of help will be very welcome. We are happy to receive pull requests, issues, discuss implementation details, analyze the raft algorithm and whatever it makes CKite a better library. The following is a list of known pendings to be solved in CKite. You can start from there!
Leader electionLog replicationCluster Membership changesLog persistence & compaction- Extract the key value store app from CKite
- Metrics / monitoring
- Akka
- Improve REST admin console
- Other things...