
A simple Git server using a custom storage backend

Primary LanguageGo

This project is a pure Go implementation of Git server side plumbing operations. Its based on go-git and uses GoLevelDB for storage.

The Makefile has various instructions for linting, testing, building and running.

Is it production ready?
Short answer, no! This is just a prototype Git implementation based on a custom storage. Its not intended to be production ready. It lacks authentication, which is critical for a real version control server. Even the storage implementation is not optimised for performance and safety. This project can however be a reference for more complex implementations backed by high performance and high availability storage clusters.

How to add a custom authentication backend?
Authentication is neatly abstracted by go-git. Refer to its docs and source code for ideas on how to implemented a custom auth backend.

What about client side operations in consumer services?
go-git has several examples for this. The test in this repo also has an example with some in-memory operations like commit, push, pull, etc.