
A helm chart for vouch

Primary LanguageSmartyMIT LicenseMIT

Vouch Helm Charts

This is a fork of the official Vouch helm chart with some quality of life updates to match standard helm chart style. It's actively maintained and kept up to date by @jessebot and renovateBot, so if a new version of the Vouch docker image comes out, we'll automatically get a PR to update it :)


Make sure you have helm installed. To get started with helm, read their documentation. Here's the basics of running this chart, however you'll want to update your values.yaml.

helm repo add vouch https://small-hack.github.io/vouch-helm
helm repo update
helm install vouch/vouch vouch --values.yaml

Docs for the values.yaml can be found in in the chart README.

Using Existing Kubernetes Secrets for Private Info

Existing Secret for the Oauth config

In your values.yaml specify the name of the of the secret and then the names of the keys that will store the sensitive info:

  # https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials
    # -- existingSecret for clientId, clientSecret, authUrl, tokenUrl,userInfoUrl, callbackUrls, and preferredDomain. 
    # If this value is not empty, we will ignore all of those plain text values and only use your secret keys
    existingSecret: 'my-vouch-oauth-secret'
    # keys in oauth.existingSecret to use for Oauth2 config
      # -- key in existingSecret for the clientID from your provider
      clientId: 'clientId'
      # -- key in existingSecret for clientSecret from your provider
      clientSecret: 'clientSecret'
      # -- key in existingSecret for authentication url from your oidc provider
      authUrl: 'authUrl'
      # -- key in existingSecret for token url from your oidc provider
      tokenUrl: 'tokenUrl'
      # -- key in existingSecret for userInfoUrl from your oidc provider
      userInfoUrl: 'userInfoUrl'
      # -- key in oauth.existingSecret for comma seperated list of valid
      # callback urls to use, example value for your key in your existing secert:
      # 'https://vouch.example.com/auth,https://vouch.example.com/login'
      callbackUrls: 'callbackUrls'
      # -- secret key in oauth.existingSecret for your preferred domain
      preferredDomain: 'preferredDomain'

Example secret:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: my-vouch-oauth-secret
# "stringData" doesn't have to be used, but if you use "data", you have to base64 encode the string values below
  clientId: 'vouch'
  clientSecret: '6f7dag78dagr4bcfydsuoivh9a8fh89'
  authUrl: 'https://iam.example.com/realms/demo-realm/protocol/openid-connect/auth'
  tokenUrl: 'https://iam.example.com/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token'
  userInfoUrl: 'https://iam.example.com/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo'
  callbackUrls: 'https://vouch.example.com/auth'

Existing Secret for vouch allowed domains and allowed emails

In your values.yaml specify the name of the of the secret and then the names of the keys that will store the sensitive info:

    # -- existingSecret for domains, whiteList, and jwtSecret. If this value is
    # not empty, we ignore vouch.domains, vouch.whiteList, and vouch.jwt.secret
    existingSecret: 'my-vouch-config-secret'
    # keys in vouch.existingSecret to use for vouch config
      # -- secret key in vouch.existingSecret with comma seperated list of
      # domains you'd like to allow access from.
      domains: 'domains'
      # -- secret key in vouch.existingSecret with comma seperated list of emails
      # for users that allowed to use SSO via vouch.
      whiteList: 'whiteList'
      # -- secret key in vouch.existingSecret to pass in a secret to used for cookies
      jwtSecret: 'jwtSecret'

Make sure that config.vouch.secretKeys.domains and config.vouch.secretKeys.whiteList are both comma seperated lists.

Example secret:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: my-vouch-config-secret
# "stringData" doesn't have to be used, but if you use "data", you have to base64 encode the string values below
  domains: "coolcats.com,cooldogs.com"
  whiteList: "not-a-dog@gmail.com,cat@coolcats.com"

Overriding the entire config.yaml for vouch-proxy

You can configure your values.yml for vouch to use an existing Kubernetes Secret for it's ENTIRE config file.

Example values.yaml:

  # -- Allow overriding the config value with an existing secret, like a sealed secret
  overrideConfigExistingSecret: "vouch-existing-secret"

Example of setting an existing Secret via the helm cli:

helm install vouch/vouch vouch --set existingSecretName=vouch-existing-secret

Here's a Kubernetes Secret containing a Vouch config that uses keycloak as the OIDC provider:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: vouch-existing-secret
  config.yaml: |
      logLevel: debug
      testing: false
      - example.com
      - myuser@myemaildomain.com
      allowAllUsers: false
        maxAge: 900
        secure: true
        domain: example.com
      provider: oidc
      client_id: vouch
      client_secret: 8943hncds9aavy89hn39ncdsa89y79vh79as 
      auth_url: https://iam.example.com/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/auth
      token_url: https://iam.example.com/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token
      user_info_url: https://iam.example.com/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo
        - openid
        - email
        - profile
        - https://vouch.example.com/auth


This uses the MIT licencse. We've kept it the same as the upstream chart. All credit for the vouch-proxy goes to the Vouch project :)


We'd love to have you contribute! Please refer to our contribution guidelines for details.