
iOS library that provides for multiple image selection.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT

![image] [image]: https://github.com/dd2333/DDPhotoAlbum/blob/master/dd2333.png "github"


iOS library that provides for multiple image selection.


Download DDPhotoAlbum and try out the included iPhone example apps


  • iOS 7.0+
  • ARC


  • The simulator does not support the camera.

Cocoapods import:

Pop is available on CocoaPods. Just add the following to your project Podfile:

pod 'DDPhotoAlbum', :git => "https://github.com/dd2333/DDPhotoAlbum.git"

Manual import:

  • Drag All files in the DDPhotoAlbum folder to project
  • Use by including the following import:
    #import "DDPhotoAlbum.h"

Open the Album

DDPhotoAlbumViewController *photoAlbumViewController = [[DDPhotoAlbumViewController alloc]init];
photoAlbumViewController.maxPhotos = 9;
photoAlbumViewController.isShowCamera = YES;
[photoAlbumViewController setDidSelectedBlock:^(NSArray *images, NSArray *thumbnailImages) {
    //handle photos
[self presentViewController:photoAlbumViewController animated:YES completion:nil];


AFNetworking is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.