SmallBASIC is a fast and easy to learn BASIC language interpreter ideal for everyday calculations, scripts and prototypes. SmallBASIC includes trigonometric, matrices and algebra functions, a built in IDE, a powerful string library, system, sound, and graphic commands along with structured programming syntax
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#239 opened by luizmoura1 - 2
Como limpar a tela do terminal?
#238 opened by luizmoura1 - 0
Cannot save to /emulated/0/SmallBasic
#237 opened by kdonath - 0
Issues on Android 14
#236 opened by dwfunk4475 - 0
TICKS() stops working after 50 days without reboot
#232 opened by Joe7M - 1
- 1
Problem with playing an audio file on android
#231 opened by chrisws - 0
Problem with big hex numbers in windows
#149 opened by Joe7M - 2
Bairstow.bas error
#216 opened by trukker41 - 1
Main page: Setup external editors link
#227 opened by ShedGrill - 8
Compile failed on FreeBSD
#228 opened by Curculigo - 0
Android version incompatible with chromebooks
#229 opened by chrisws - 0
Android font size issue
#226 opened by chrisws - 5
Support running on the browser
#223 opened by iahung3 - 0
Support HaikuOS
#222 opened by iahung3 - 0
Support OpenIndiana
#221 opened by iahung3 - 0
Support OpenBSD
#220 opened by iahung3 - 0
Support NetBSD
#219 opened by iahung3 - 0
Support DragonflyBSD
#218 opened by iahung3 - 0
Support FreeBSD
#217 opened by iahung3 - 0
MSYS2 package for SmallBASIC
#213 opened by iahung3 - 0
Please setup rolling builds
#210 opened by iahung3 - 1
`sbasicg` can't render any graphical programs
#209 opened by iahung3 - 2
Android issues
#193 opened by chrisws - 0
TLOAD as a string with a zero length file
#205 opened by chrisws - 6
SDL Build fails on Arch Linux
#176 opened by MrAureliusR - 2
- 1
"Unknown error"
#195 opened by dwfunk4475 - 4
Build of sbasicg on MINGW64
#190 opened - 1
- 0
Android - setenv
#187 opened by chrisws - 0
Android - onPause
#186 opened by chrisws - 1
How to run/compile .bas file using SmallBASIC
#182 opened by p-mackay - 2
LEN seems linked to issue with array referencing
#147 opened by circular - 0
AppImage window issue
#144 opened by chrisws - 1
Filled stops working when the rectangle is inverted
#150 opened by chrisws - 5
JSON support?
#155 opened by shlwapi - 3
Smallbasic crashes on android
#160 opened by grassmik - 1
Syntax error: "(" unexpected
#174 opened by byronpendason - 2
Issue with associative array example
#148 opened by circular - 1
Android version
#162 opened by jsalai49 - 1
Display floating point numbers with high precision
#166 opened by Joe7M - 1
How to build sbasici and sbasicw?
#164 opened - 1
How to build a truly minimal SmallBASIC?
#163 opened - 0
Problems trying to cross-compile for ARM on Linux
#161 opened by zoelilylain - 0
- 2
Run with shebang on Linux?
#156 opened by shlwapi - 1
Language reference duplicated item?
#157 opened by shlwapi - 0
Will you add OOP?
#154 opened by shlwapi - 0
Local variable scope extends to called function
#143 opened by chrisws