
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Tooling to install clusters for testing via an on-prem Assisted Installer on the Scale lab or Alias lab hardware.

Three separate layouts of clusters can be deployed:

  • BM - Bare Metal - 3 control-plane nodes, X number of worker nodes
  • RWN - Remote Worker Node - 3 control-plane/worker nodes, X number of remote worker nodes
  • SNO - Single Node OpenShift - 1 OpenShift Master/Worker Node "cluster" per available hardware resource

Each cluster layout requires a bastion machine which is the first machine out of your lab "cloud" allocation. The bastion machine will host the assisted-installer and serve as a router for clusters with a private machine network. BM and RWN layouts produce a single cluster consisting of 3 control-plane nodes and X number of worker or remote worker nodes. SNO layout creates an SNO cluster per available machine after fulfilling the bastion machine requirement. Lastly, BM/RWN cluster types will allocate any unused machines under the hv ansible group which stands for hypervisor nodes. This allows quicker interaction with these extra nodes in a lab allocation.

Tested Labs/Hardware

Alias Lab

Hardware BM RWN SNO
740xd No No Yes

Scale Lab

Hardware BM RWN SNO
Dell r640 Yes Yes Yes
Dell fc640 No No Yes
Supermicro 1029p Yes Yes No



  • Ansible 2.10 (on machine running jetlag playbooks)
  • RHEL 8.4 (Bastion)
  • podman 3 (Bastion)

Pre-reqs for the playbooks:

ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix
ansible-galaxy collection install containers.podman
ansible-galaxy collection install community.general
pip3 install netaddr

Cluster Deployment Usage

There are three main files to configure and one is generated but might have to be edited for specific desired scenario/hardware usage:

  • ansible/vars/all.yml - An ansible vars file (Sample provided ansible/vars/all.sample.yml)
  • pull_secret.txt - Your OCP pull secret
  • ansible/inventory/$CLOUDNAME.local - The generated inventory file (Samples provided in ansible/inventory)

Start by editing the vars

cp ansible/vars/all.sample.yml ansible/vars/all.yml
vi ansible/vars/all.yml

Make sure to set/review the following vars:

  • lab - either alias or scalelab
  • lab_cloud - the cloud within the lab environment (Example: cloud42)
  • cluster_type - either bm, rwn, or sno for the respective cluster layout
  • worker_node_count - applies to bm and rwn cluster types for the desired worker count, ideal for leaving left over inventory hosts for other purposes
  • public_vlan - applies to sno cluster_types, set to be true only for public routable vlan deployment
  • controlplane_lab_interface - applies to bm and rwn cluster types and should map to the nodes interface in which the lab provides dhcp to and also required for public routable vlan based sno deployment(to disable this interface)
  • controlplane_network_interface - applies to bm and rwn cluster types and should map to the nodes interface in which the cluster(controlplane apis) needs to be hosted on and also required for public routable vlan based sno deployment
  • controlplane_pub_network_cidr and controlplane_pub_network_gateway - only required for public routable vlan based sno deployment to input lab public routable vlan network and gateway
  • rwn_lab_interface - applies only to rwn cluster type and should map to the nodes interface in which the lab provides dhcp to
  • More customization like cluster_network, service_network, rwn_vlan and rwn_networks can be supported as extra vars, check default files for variable name.

Set your pull-secret in pull_secret.txt in repo base directory.

Run create-inventory playbook

ansible-playbook ansible/create-inventory.yml

Run setup-bastion playbook

ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory/cloud42.local ansible/setup-bastion.yml

Run deploy for either bm/rwn/sno playbook with inventory created by create-inventory playbook

Bare Metal Cluster:

ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory/cloud42.local ansible/bm-deploy.yml

Remote Worker Node Cluster:

ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory/cloud42.local ansible/rwn-deploy.yml

Single Node OpenShift:

ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory/cloud42.local ansible/sno-deploy.yml

Quickstart guides

Deploy a Bare Metal cluster via jetlag quickstart guide


See troubleshooting.md in docs directory.

Disconnected API/Console Access

See disconnected-ipv6-cluster-access.md in docs directory.

Hypervisor Network-Impairments

See hypervisor-network-impairments.md in docs directory.

Workload Usage

Review README.md in workload directory.