
  • Replace the namespace configured across yaml files prior to executing them.

  • Customize the LOG level environment variable for daemonset (vector-agent) and deployment (vector-aggregator). Currently set to "info".

  • Modify vector-aggregator-conf.yaml to configure sink.elasticsearch endpoint and user/password details. Secret should be configured and passed to the vector-aggregator pod.

  • Create the resources in the following order:

oc apply -f namespace.yaml
oc apply -f serviceaccount.yaml
oc apply -f clusterrole.yaml
oc apply -f clusterrolebinding.yaml
oc apply -f scc.yaml
oc apply -f vector-aggregator-conf.yaml
oc apply -f vector-agent-conf.yaml
oc apply -f deployment.yaml
oc apply -f service.yaml
oc apply -f daemonset.yaml