
Jython binding for Burp to facilitate realtime traffic analysis and modification using simple plugins.

Primary LanguageJava


Hiccupy - Jython binding for Port Swigger's BurpExtender. Hooks processProxyMessage and executes plugin modules on both requests and responses. Plugins can be dynamically modified during runtime and will be reloaded during the next call to processProxyMessage, allowing you to alter your code on the fly without having to recompile hiccupy!

Build & Install

  • Update the JYTHON_PATH variable in src/Makefile

  • Update the jython.jar location in run.sh

  • Update the scope information in lib/ConfigManager.py

  • make && ./run.sh

Plugin Development

Plugin development is meant to be quick and easy. Plugins can be developed in a few simple steps. First create a class for your plugin:

vim lib/plugins/plugins-available/MyPlugin.py

 from Plugin import Plugin

 class MyPlugin(Plugin):
""" this plugin does something super sweet """

Then code whatever processing you want to do on requests and responses into the following respective methods: processProxyRequest and processProxyResponse.

 def processProxyRequest(self, message, messageIsRequest, remoteHost,
	  remotePort, serviceIsHttps, httpMethod, path, resourceType,
	  statusCode, responseContentType, message, interceptAction):
# Here's where the fuzz goes

 def processProxyResponse(self, message, messageIsRequest, remoteHost,
	  remotePort, serviceIsHttps, httpMethod, path, resourceType,
	  statusCode, responseContentType, message, interceptAction):
# And whatever it is you do with responses

Finally, move plugins you want to activate into the plugin/plugins-enabled/ directory and make clean && make && ./run.sh.