A practical web application built with Node.js, Express, and MySQL for you to readily record, view, and manage your tasks with an account: Create, view, edit, delete, filter, and sort todos are as easy as pie 🥧
To increase user experience
- Animate.css is used to show animation for certain actions
To enhance security
- csurf is used to prevent CSRF Attacks
- express-validator is used for server side validation
Functions | Detail | URL |
Sign up for an account | 1. User can sign up an account by inputting name, email, password 2. User can get a warning message for invalid input format |
/users/register |
Log in with email | 1. User can log in using registered email 2. User can get a warning message for incorrect password or unregistered account |
/users/login |
Log in with Facebook account | User can log in via Facebook with a Facebook account | /auth/facebook |
Log out | 1. User can log out of an account 2. User can get a reminder for successful logout |
/users/logout |
View all todos | 1. User can view todos list with name, due date and status after login 2. User can get an error message when no todo to display after login |
/ |
View a todo | User can view name, due date, status, and detail of a todo after login | /todos/view/:id |
Create a todo | 1. User can add a todo with detail after login 2. User can get a warning message for invalid input format |
/todos/new |
Edit a todo | User can update detail info of a todo after login | /todos/edit/:id |
Delete a todo | 1. User can delete a todo after login 2. User can receive a warning message before actual delete |
/todos/delete/:id |
Filter todos | User can filter todos based on status and due date | /search |
Sort todos | User can sort todos based on status, due date, or name | /search |
Page not found | User can get an error message when travelling to a page not existing | /:any_other_URL |
The following instructions will get you a copy of the project and all the setting needed to run it on your local machine.
Clone this repository to your local machine
$ git clone https://github.com/smallpaes/todo-list.git
Create and use todo-sequelize database via MySQL Workbench
Run the following code
drop database if exists todo_sequelize;
create database todo_sequelize;
use todo_sequelize;
1. Create a Facebook account
2. Create a Facebook App and get the App ID & Secret
My Apps -> Create App -> Scenario: Integrate Facebook Login -> Settings -> Basic
3. Enter the project folder
$ cd todo-list
4. Install packages via npm
$ npm install
5. Create .env file
$ touch .env
6. Store API Key in .env file and save
7. Edit password in config.json file
"development": {
"username": "root",
"database": "todo_sequelize",
"host": "",
"dialect": "mysql",
"operatorsAliases": false
8. Create models
run the following code in the console
$ npx sequelize db:migrate
9. Activate the server
$ npm run dev
10. Find the message for successful activation
> App is running on port 3000!
You may visit the application on browser with the URL: http://localhost:3000