- 1
smallrye-reactive-messaging - Delayed Retry Topic
#2876 opened by joystuffs - 0
Set Rabbitmq Metadata on DLQ messages after nack
#2877 opened by BrianH85 - 1
Exchange binding is not created for @Outgoing channel
#2829 opened by elmodeer - 5
- 1
Backport VertX qualifier to 4.24.x
#2842 opened by kabir - 0
MQTT consumer silently stops consuming data
#2764 opened by marc-batto - 0
AWS SQS support more flexible deserialization
#2789 opened by kerkhofsd - 0
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Attach exceptions to spans in error handlers for better Observability
#2782 opened by michalcukierman - 1
Kafka - for horizontally scalable consume-transform-produce
#2820 opened by kerkhofsd - 1
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AWS SQS NACK doing nothing?
#2635 opened by spc16670 - 0
- 2
Suggestion: Incoming- & OutgoingKafkaRecord should override Message#addMetadata & Message#with*
#2777 opened by slinstaedt-hlag - 0
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Lambda Snapstart kafka connection errors
#2715 opened by hamburml - 3
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Feature Request: Support for error queues for rabbitmq
#2707 opened by jonsalvas - 3
KafkaRequestReply fails with ` java.lang.IllegalStateException` if the partition assignment takes longer than `replyTimeout` at startup
#2714 opened by Malandril - 4
- 1
Allow conversion to JsonObject to be optional during amqp message deserialization
#2619 opened by ylepikhov - 0
Ack related docs issues
#2733 opened by pawel-boguski-ds - 0
The NACK handler for incoming messages is not executed when an exception occurs during processing while using a signature method that receives a single payload and produces a stream of payloads
#2732 opened by pawel-boguski-ds - 1
Deprecated method io.smallrye.reactive.messaging.MutinyEmitter.send(M) result in ambigus method call
#2738 opened by s4iko - 1
Pulsar: out of direct buffer memory during failure handling with nack strategy and DLQ while pool message is enabled.
#2698 opened by kamilchociej - 1
'Targeted' does not support null values
#2687 opened by marekczajkowski - 2
RabbitMQ should allow configure explicitly Retry Failure for nack when using Publish Confirm
#2726 opened by gcuisinier - 3
JMS - Message acknowledgement
#2575 opened by dankristensen - 2
Rabbitmq: Concept of error queues after n retries
#2641 opened by jonsalvas - 3
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Logging password on startup
#2653 opened by nojomyth-dev - 0
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Kafka Companion clearing the topics for the component tests
#2658 opened by cj19 - 4
Configuration via env variables not working correctly anymore since Quarkus 3.11
#2659 opened by panphg - 3
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Version 3.x problem with Vert.x 4.5.4
#2647 opened by LucaT75 - 4
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How to use companion.consumeXYZ() twice?
#2605 opened by octopus-prime - 2
Caching dependencies
#2606 opened by dankristensen - 11
IncomingConnector has no downstream
#2593 opened by pengxo - 0
[Kafka Companion] Assertion of produced messages
#2590 opened by Inithron - 3
Kafka consumer gets into a rebalance loop
#2589 opened by marksouletheprogrammer - 4
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