
`dfx new --type=rust` + burn-rs MNIST web inference example

Primary LanguageRust


  1. The frontend provides a canvas where users can draw a digit.
  2. The drawn digit is then sent to the backend canister running burn-rs for inference using a pretrained MNIST model.
  3. The backend performs the inference and returns the predicted digit to the frontend.


To set up the project, follow these steps: 0. Have Rust and Nodejs installed.

  1. Installl IC-SDK (building from master branch because we need gzip feature which is not available in the latest release)
git clone https://github.com/dfinity/sdk.git ./ic-sdk
cargo build --manifest-path=ic-sdk/Cargo.toml -p dfx
  1. Clone and deploy this project
git clone https://github.com/smallstepman/ic-mnist.git ./ic-mnist
cd ic-mnist
../ic-sdk/target/debug/dfx start --background --clean
../ic-sdk/target/debug/dfx deploy


The code in this repository is licensed under the MIT License.


Based on burn (https://burn-rs.github.io), backend and frontend implementation copied from this example https://github.com/burn-rs/burn/tree/main/examples/mnist-inference-web,