
Internet Java Engineer Advanced Knowledge Completely Literacy (English Version)

Internet Java Engineer Advanced Knowledge Completely Literacy©

Most of the content of this project comes from ZhongHuaShiShan, and the copyright belongs to the author. The content covers knowledge in the fields of high concurrency, distribution, high availability, micro-service, etc..

High concurrency architecture


Sub library table

Read/write separation

High concurrency system

Distributed system

System split

Distributed service framework

Distributed lock

Distributed transaction

Distributed session

High avalibrary architecture

High availability system

  • How to design a highly available system?

Current limiting

  • How to limit current? How is it done at work? What's the implementation?



  • How to downgrade?

Microservice architecture

Spring Cloud Microservice architecture

  • What is a microservice? How do microservices communicate independently?
  • What are the differences between A and B?
  • Spring Boot and Spring Cloud,how do you understand them?
  • What is service fusing? What is service degradation?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of microservices? What are the pitfalls you have encountered in project development?
  • What do you know about the microservice technology stack?
  • Eureka and Zookeeper can both provide service registration and discovery. What's the difference between them?
  • ......