
PoC for deploying a Kubernetes cluster with Terraform and Ansible on OpenNebula

Primary LanguageHCL


PoC for deploying a Kubernetes cluster with Docker, Terraform and Ansible on OpenNebula


This is a "proof of concept" for deploying a (production grade) Kubernetes Cluster on OpenNebula. This PoC is based on

  • Docker
  • Terraform
  • Runtastic Terraform Provider for OpenNebula
  • Ansible
  • Kubespray

Warning: This is no "production" code - it`s an PoC.

The whole ecosystem is contained in a Docker Container.

Building the Docker Container

First clone the repository to your Docker host:

$ git clone https://github.com/smangelkramer/one-kubespray.git

Now build the Docker Image:

$ docker build -t mykubernetescluster .

This builds the a Docker image with all needed tools. This process creates the following steps for you:

  • Docker Image from a clean Alpine 3.8 Linux
  • Installs Terraform
  • Installs the Runtastic Terraform Provider for OpenNebula
  • Clones the current "kubespray" Git-Repository inside the Image
  • Creates an SSH Keypair for the deployment of the Kubernetes Nodes (SSH / Ansible)
  • Offers you a shell for deploying your Cluster

Requirement on your OpenNebula Cloud

The rest is done by Terraform (VM-Template, VMs)

Deployment of a Kubernetes Cluster

OpenNebula Credentials

Set your OpenNebula crdentials in code/terraform/variables.tf:

variable "endpoint_url" { default = "https://your.cloud.com:2633/RPC2" }
variable "one_username" { default = "username" }
variable "one_password" { default = "password" }

OpenNebula VM Template for Terraform

Check the OpenNebula template in code/terraform/opennebula_kubernetes_template.tmpl and set / point to your OpenNebula ressources:

  • IMAGE_ID= ID of your Ubuntu 16.04 Image with Contextualization

  • NETWORK= Name of your network in OpenNebula

  • NETWORK_UNAME= Username for your network

      CONTEXT = [
        NETWORK = "YES",
        SSH_PUBLIC_KEY = "${file("/code/id_rsa_kubespray.pub")}",
        USERNAME = "root",
        START_SCRIPT_BASE64 = "c3dhcG9mZiAtYQ=="
      CPU = "0.25"
      VCPU = "6"
      DISK = [
        IMAGE_ID = "71" ]
      GRAPHICS = [
        LISTEN = "",
        TYPE = "VNC" ]
      INPUTS_ORDER = ""
      MEMORY = "5000"
      NIC = [
        NETWORK = "NET-NAME",
        NETWORK_UNAME = "user" ]
      OS = [
        ARCH = "x86_64",
        BOOT = "" ]

Start the Image and provision your Kubernets Cluster

$ docker run -it -v /path/to/one-kubespray/Docker/code/terraform:/code/terraform mykubernetescluster /bin/bash

$ cd terraform

$ terraform init
$ terraform apply

This builds 3 VMs in your OpenNebula Cloud and provsions a Kubernetes Cluster with Kubespray on them. You are completely free to customize this provisioning for your infrastructrure. For me it`s just a small PoC :-)