
PowerDNS Docker Image based on Alpine

Primary LanguageShell

PowerDNS Docker Container

Image Size Docker Stars Docker Pulls Docker Automated buil

  • Small Alpine based Image
  • MySQL (default), Postgres, SQLite and Bind backend included
  • DNSSEC support optional
  • Automatic MySQL database initialization
  • Latest PowerDNS version (if not pls file an issue)
  • Guardian process enabled
  • Graceful shutdown using pdns_control

Supported tags

  • Exact: i.e. v4.4.1: PowerDNS Version 4.4.1
  • v4.0: PowerDNS Version 4.0.x, latest image build
  • v4: PowerDNS Version 4.x.x, latest image build

Note: Some older tags don't have the v at the beginning (e.g. for Version 4.1.7 the tag is 4.1.7)


# Start a MySQL Container
$ docker run -d \
  --name pdns-mysql \
  -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=supersecret \
  -v $PWD/mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql \

$ docker run --name pdns \
  --link pdns-mysql:mysql \
  -p 53:53 \
  -p 53:53/udp \
  -e MYSQL_USER=root \
  -e MYSQL_PASS=supersecret \
  -e MYSQL_PORT=3306 \
  psitrax/powerdns \
    --cache-ttl=120 \


Environment Configuration:

  • MySQL connection settings
    • MYSQL_HOST=mysql
    • MYSQL_USER=root
    • MYSQL_PASS=root
    • MYSQL_DB=pdns
  • To support docker secrets, use same variables as above with suffix _FILE.
  • Want to disable mysql initialization? Use MYSQL_AUTOCONF=false
  • DNSSEC is disabled by default, to enable use MYSQL_DNSSEC=yes
  • Want to use own config files? Mount a Volume to /etc/pdns/conf.d or simply overwrite /etc/pdns/pdns.conf

PowerDNS Configuration:

Append the PowerDNS setting to the command as shown in the example above. See docker run --rm psitrax/powerdns --help


GNU General Public License v2.0 applyies to PowerDNS and all files in this repository.

