
This project is about controlling Roon Audio server using

Primary LanguagePython

The Project

The goals is to provide a bridge that converts received IR commands as keyboard events (provided by FLIRC USB device) into transport commands (e.g 'play', 'pause') that are send to the Roon API.

architecture overview


  • support Roon transport commands

    • play, stop, play_pause, pause
    • skip, previous
  • allows to initate the volume when amplifier with rest API exists

    • currently only Yamaha API version 1 is supported

Development Language

  • development language will be Python
  • documentation language will be English

Software Requirements

  • Python: roon-api, evdev

Hardware Devices

  • FLIRC USB device


  • Roon zone name can be configured as Ansible host specific variable
  • service name, user and group can be configured in host specific variables
  • mapping between key codes and transport command can be configured in config/app_info.json


Before being able to deploy the software the following steps have to be performed.

  • change the hostname in inventory.yml

  • add a new file that uses the same hostname as added above

  • change the variables accordingly

  • create a profile in ~/.ssh/config that matches the hostname above

  • copy your public SSH key to the deployment target

  • install the following requirements onto the target machine

    • python3, python3-pip, python3-apt
    • pip: setuptools
    • git
cd deployment/
# check the setup

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml site.yml -C