A calculator web app that utilizes Web Sockects to enable "real time" calculations with all users. When a user uses this calculator, their calcualtion will be broadcasted to all other users.
go build
go test -v
Here you can see when progress was made and what was done (by viewing the repo at the time of the commit). I time tracked progress on this project so you can see how long I took to do things. I tracked time spent coding, testing or debuging. Other time was not recored.
init -- 0:00 49360055c
0:58 -- c2ca51f64
3:18 -- 582495bd5 & e5965eae72
3:42 -- 1b3e64439ef
5:21 -- 8e61eadb307
5:53 -- 580a40aac5
In the end I went over the 5 hour mark a bit, but I believe the quality of the resulting code was woth it. I combed through many (if not all) number formating / calculator bugs, and I created a super efficent, thread safe data structure that is sure to help keep AWS costs low.
I lifted a bit of html/css from here in order to save time, and retrofitted it to allow for decimals, and negitive numbers.
I dont really consider this a bug but to use decimals you do have to have a leading digit such as (0.1).