Learning letter learn children the alphabet of English language : In this project, you are required to implement a simple web application that allows kids in schools to learn the basic English Alphabet. The basic idea is that, the user will choose the number of letters he wants to learn, and when clicking on each letter, another page is opened showing an image of something that begins with that letter. In addition, some user interaction events are collected and stored in the localStorage object of the browser to be used in subsequent versions of the project. The application should look something like the following: It has an index.html page contains a number input and a button. The user chose how many letters [1,26] he wants to learn, then he presses Generate. A randomly chosen letters should be selected. For example, if the user wants to learn 3 letters, he uses the number input field and chose 3, then presses Generate and after that he will get 3 randomly chosen letters from the English alphabet.