
Artificial Intelligence Course at Parul University taught in Spring 2023 by Mr Smaranjit Ghose

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Artificial Intelligence

🎓 Course Information

  • Subject Code : 203105322
  • Faculty: Mr Smaranjit Ghose (Assistant Professor)
  • Semester: 5
  • Year: 2023
  • Divisions (under direct tutelage): 5B5, 5B6, 5B7, 5B8, 5B17

📚 Study Material

Unit Name Lecture Material
1 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Unit 1 Material
2 Exploratory Data Analysis Unit 2 Material
3 State Space Search - Unit 3 Material
4 Knowledge Representation Unit 4 Material
5 Fuzzy Logic Unit 5 Material
6 Natural Language Processing Unit 6 Material
7 Machine Learning Discussed via hands on
8 Fundamentals of Neural Networks and Expert Systems Unit 7 Material

EDA Hands-On

Sl no Dataset Solution
1 Iris
2 Titanic Titanic_EDA
3 IPL 2008-2022 matches dataset IPL EDA

EDA Practice Problems

Sl No Dataset Solution
1 Boston Housing
2 U.S. International Air Traffic 1990-2020 dataset
3 Forbes Highest Paid Athletes 1990-2019 dataset
4 Covid-19 Clinical Trials dataset
5 Palmer Archipelago dataset
6 PIMA Indians Diabetes
7 Amazon Review for Sentiment Analysis

Course Announcements 📢

Check here for the latest announcements

Pandas Exercise 2 Soln (Temp)

prices = [float(value[1 : -1]) for value in chipo.item_price]

# reassign the column with the cleaned prices
chipo.item_price = prices

# delete the duplicates in item_name and quantity
chipo_filtered = chipo.drop_duplicates(['item_name','quantity','choice_description'])

# chipo_filtered

# select only the products with quantity equals to 1
chipo_one_prod = chipo_filtered[chipo_filtered.quantity == 1]

👜 Supplementary Material