
Full-Stack Web Development with the MEAN Stack course taught by Mr. Smaranjit Ghose at Parul University for Fall 2023

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Full Stack Development with MEAN

🎓 Course Information

  • Subject Code :
  • Faculty: Mr Smaranjit Ghose (Assistant Professor)
  • Semester: 6
  • Term: Fall
  • Year: 2023
  • Divisions (under direct tutelage): 6B14, 6B13, INT10, 6B16, 6B17

📚Course Modules

Sl No Unit Topics Reference Material Assignment(s)
1 Intro to MEAN Stack Intro PPT
2 MongoDB Recap of Databases, SQL vs NoSQL, Types of NoSQL Databases, Introduction to MongoDB, Features of MongoDB, Applications of MongoDB, MongoDB Installation, Basic Terminologies: documents, collections, BSON vs JSON, CRUD Operations, Indexes, Aggregations MongoDB PPT MongoDB Cheatsheet MongoDB Practice 1, MongoDB Practice 2, MongoDB Practice 3
3 NodeJS Introduction to NodeJS, Features of NodeJS, Applications of NodeJS, NodeJS REPL, Core Modules, fs module, Synchronous vs Asynchronous, os module, path module, Math Object, Creating Custom Module, npm, Module Wrapper, Event Module NodeJS Fundamentals PPT NodeJS Practice 1, NodeJS Practice 2, NodeJS Practice 3, NodeJS Practice 4
4 ExpressJS Introduction to ExpressJS, Middleware, Routing, Templating Engines, Error Handling, File Uploads, Authentication and Authorization ExpressJS PPT ExpressJS Practice 1, ExpressJS Practice 2, ExpressJS Practice 3, ExpressJS Practice 4, ExpressJS Practice 5, ExpressJS Practice 6, ExpressJS Practice 7
5 DevSecOps Git - What is Version Control, Commit Log, Branches, Forks, Pull Request Git Practice 1

📢Course Announcements

Check here for the latest announcements

📦Course Logistics:

👨🏻‍💻Tools and Services Required

  • Windows Terminal

  • VSCode

  • Git

  • Postman

  • MongoDB Community Server

  • MongoDB Shell

  • NodeJS

  • ExpressJS

  • AngularJS

  • GitHub Account

  • MongoDB Atlas Account