
wfa2 crashes on ends-free alignment with the following options and the three sequences aligned one after another

iAvicenna opened this issue · 3 comments


I have been using wfa2 as a part of a script that analyses ngs data. I noticed that when I tweaked the parameters in a certain (but not unreasonable way) it crashes once in a while. I isolated it to three sequences, which when analysed one after the other causes the program to crash. I stripped down the whole thing into a bare minimum program which still crashes and is given below:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "../ext/WFA2/wavefront/wfa.h"

int main(){

  int i;

  char *seqs[3] = 

  wavefront_aligner_t* wf_aligner;
  wavefront_aligner_attr_t attributes = wavefront_aligner_attr_default;
  attributes.distance_metric = gap_affine_2p;
  attributes.affine2p_penalties.mismatch = 1;
  attributes.affine2p_penalties.match = -1;
  attributes.affine2p_penalties.gap_opening1 = 4;
  attributes.affine2p_penalties.gap_extension1 = 4;
  attributes.affine2p_penalties.gap_opening2 = 4;
  attributes.affine2p_penalties.gap_extension2 = 4;
  attributes.alignment_form.span = alignment_endsfree;
  wf_aligner = wavefront_aligner_new(&attributes);
  wavefront_aligner_set_alignment_free_ends(wf_aligner, 12, 12, 6, 6);    

  for (i=0; i<3; i++){
      wavefront_align(wf_aligner, seqs[i], strlen(seqs[i]), ref, strlen(ref));


I ran this with valgrind and the part of the log that pertains to the error is (there is a bunch of stuff that appears because wf_aligner was not freed due to a crash):

==31428== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==31428== Copyright (C) 2002-2022, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==31428== Using Valgrind-3.21.0.GIT and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==31428== Command: /home/avicenna/Dropbox/local_packages/merlign/src//ign_debug
==31428== Invalid read of size 8
==31428==    at 0x127214: wavefront_extend_matches_packed_kernel (wavefront_extend.c:182)
==31428==    by 0x127214: wavefront_extend_matches_packed_endsfree (wavefront_extend.c:253)
==31428==    by 0x1277AA: wavefront_extend_endsfree (wavefront_extend.c:435)
==31428==    by 0x12BE70: wavefront_unialign (wavefront_unialign.c:424)
==31428==    by 0x11C6A8: wavefront_align_unidirectional (wavefront_align.c:123)
==31428==    by 0x11C6A8: wavefront_align (wavefront_align.c:170)
==31428==    by 0x11C27C: main (ign_debug.c:36)
==31428==  Address 0xffffffffc56f635b is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
==31428== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
==31428==  Access not within mapped region at address 0xFFFFFFFFC56F635B
==31428==    at 0x127214: wavefront_extend_matches_packed_kernel (wavefront_extend.c:182)
==31428==    by 0x127214: wavefront_extend_matches_packed_endsfree (wavefront_extend.c:253)
==31428==    by 0x1277AA: wavefront_extend_endsfree (wavefront_extend.c:435)
==31428==    by 0x12BE70: wavefront_unialign (wavefront_unialign.c:424)
==31428==    by 0x11C6A8: wavefront_align_unidirectional (wavefront_align.c:123)
==31428==    by 0x11C6A8: wavefront_align (wavefront_align.c:170)
==31428==    by 0x11C27C: main (ign_debug.c:36)
==31428==  If you believe this happened as a result of a stack
==31428==  overflow in your program's main thread (unlikely but
==31428==  possible), you can try to increase the size of the
==31428==  main thread stack using the --main-stacksize= flag.
==31428==  The main thread stack size used in this run was 8388608.
==31428== HEAP SUMMARY:
==31428==     in use at exit: 8,645,464 bytes in 20 blocks
==31428==   total heap usage: 28 allocs, 8 frees, 8,671,936 bytes allocated

I also ran this with gdb to see exactly where it crashes and it gives the fault here

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000555555573214 in wavefront_extend_matches_packed_kernel (offset=-1073741823, k=0, wf_aligner=0x7ffff761d020) at wavefront_extend.c:253
253         offset = wavefront_extend_matches_packed_kernel(wf_aligner,k,offset);

printing the offset value produces this:

$1 = -1073741823
  • Changing the gap penalty parameters etc sometimes prevents the crash however valgrind still produces the error above.
  • Using a subset of the sequences above or only one of them does not result in a crash.
  • freeing wfa_aligner at the end of everyloop and reinitializing also remedies the problem so it would seem that it is a problem of changing internal state with the wfa_aligner.
  • Perhaps another worthy note is that this problem and some other cases where I had problems with disappear when I set the mismatch penalty=2. It also does not appear when mismatch=1 but match=0 (instead of -1). So it seems to happen when there isn't a sufficient mismatch penalty compared to match bonus (I seem to recall one ran into similar problems with bowtie if you tried problematic parameters like mismatch penalty=0).

Note that I have tested valgrind with other input (for instance only the first two sequences above) and it produces a clean log with such examples (note that for valgrind I had to compile wfa2 with MARCH_FLAG="" BUILD_WFA_PARALLEL="0", otherwise it produces some warnings specific to these).

Further info:

  • my system is Ubuntu 20.04 focal
  • my gcc/g++ version is 9.4.0
  • compiled the code above with the following:
gcc -c wfa2_bug.c -o wfa2_bug.o -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-function -O3 -I../ext/WFA2  -DVERBOSE
g++ wfa2_bug.o -o wfa2_bug -fopenmp -O3 -I../ext/WFA2 -lwfa -lm -lrt -lz  -L../ext/WFA2/lib\
  • compiled wfa2 with make clean all

Let me know if there is any other diagnostics I can produce, this is as far as I could go with gbp and valgrind since I don't know the internal details of wfa2. I wonder if there is a function to reset the internal state of a wavefront_aligner_t object to its default state without deleting which would perhaps temporarily remedy the problem until a patch?


smarco commented


I am busy these days, but I will fix this bug as soon as possible.



I apologize for the terrible delay in answering this issue. I am sorry, but, using the latest version (dev), I couldn't reproduce the memory problem. I try the same compiler and OS.

What is the specific CPU ISA you are using (x86, ARM, ...)?
Let us try to reproduce this problem and fix it.

May be related to issue #87? Have a look a the latest commit to development, (commit 1d97039).