React Native library that implements PayPal Checkout flow using purely native code
- 1
Error requesting one time payment
#127 opened by simdanonline - 5 Violating Problem from Google Play Developer Console
#126 opened by Sinson48 - 0
PayPal.initialize Error
#125 opened by Amjad-Ali-999 - 2
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':react-native-paypal:compileDebugAidl'.
#96 opened by acolomboNotomia - 0
No error object on UserCancelledException
#119 opened by Ujjwal-Kandel - 1
Error building with gradle
#116 opened by brezzy1337 - 3
Migrating to new version
#77 opened by sr7354476 - 7
- 0
- 0
- 0
got err "braintree_sdk_setup_failed" when install "react-native-paypal" and "react-native-intecorm"
#108 opened by Tsu-7 - 0
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 9
- 11
- 3
- 1
- 1
Blank screen after "Pay now" button
#90 opened by valerio-fornace - 0
Guest checkout fail
#94 opened by valerio-fornace - 0
Open App instead of Safari Browser
#92 opened by jbatra-umeey - 1
Autolinking works 👍
#89 opened by nabilfreeman - 5
- 1
- 2
- 2
#70 opened by SaqibNytro - 2
- 4
App crashes with no error on iOS
#51 opened by wahaj-47 - 2
ERROR: Unable to resolve dependency for ':react-native-paypal@debug/compileClasspath'
#62 opened by mighty-nyaina - 3
valid token from your server
#53 opened by weingenious72 - 11
could not invoke rnpaypal.requestonetimepayment
#49 opened by danielzzz - 1
AppDelegate.m create parser issue
#69 opened by zaheerahmad92001 - 2
Error: Exception in HostObject::get(propName:RNPaypal): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lcom/braintreepayments/api/BraintreeFragment;
#68 opened by shashitechvalens - 2
- 5
Could not invoke RNPaypal.requestOneTimePayment
#65 opened by guybenh - 2
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Transaction problems in Sandbox Accounts
#59 opened by caaf1021 - 3
ANDROID: minSdkVersion error - 21
#60 opened by friendsitsol - 2
Manual installation iOS
#50 opened by adeel111 - 2
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#33 opened by mica83 - 2
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Different Currency
#36 opened by eskiesirius - 2
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3DS Payment?
#34 opened by rgouzal - 1
Problem with paypal login
#35 opened by mica83 - 1
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