
Unless you use the US Dvorak layout which comes packaged with Windows it is problematic to get the Dvorak layout you want working on Windows.

The questions on Dvorak support on the Microsoft forum are legion and there seem to be little interest to add support for uk dvorak or swedish dvorak or the many other dvorak variations that are available for easy install on Linux. As a swede I like to use "Svorak" and "Dvorak with UK Punctiation" and have added support for these here.

Contributions of more layouts are welcome.

Install a keyboard layout

In the directory structure pick the dvorak you want to use and run the installer for your Windows version.

If you are uncomfortable running an executable from github then download the keyboard creator tool from Microsoft, compile the layout yourself, and run the built installer.

Currently Created Keyboard Layouts

  • Dvorak with UK Punctuation
  • Swedish Dvorak

Create a Keyboard Layout

To create a keyboard layout the tool "Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator" is used. You will need to download the keyboard creator tool and its old .NET dependency.

Install the binaries and use the tool as described in the howto article linked below.

Once you are happy with your layout select the "Build DLL and Setup Package" to create an installer you then install the layout with.

Keyboard Layout Creator

Microsoft .Net 2.0

Howto Article