
Library framework for Django

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Django Library System - openbare

Codacy Badge

openbare is a digital asset library system, implemented on Django.

The system started out with the intend to provide access to Public Cloud accounts for everyone at SUSE. At the onset of the project is was hoped that implementation of the framework could be sufficiently generalized to provide functionality for pretty much anything that one might keep track of that fits the concept of a Public Library. Once the first plugin was developed to manage AWS IAM access this hope was realized and the project moved from a private repository to a public repository in the hopes that others will find the system useful and will contribute back to the project.

We'd like to thank SUSE for sponsoring our work and enabling us to set up the project in a company independent way.


  • python > 3.2
  • Django ~= 1.10.0
  • python-social-auth
  • django-markdown-deux
  • django-split-settings
  • django-simple-history
  • boto3
  • unidecode

Optional for development

  • django-debug-toolbar
  • flake8
  • coverage

Setting up a development environment

For openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise

  • Add a repository from OBS devel:languages:python3 appropriate for your distribution to your system.

  • Install all dependencies

    zypper in python3-Django python3-python-social-auth \
      python3-django-debug-toolbar python3-django-markdown-deux \
      python3-django-split-settings python3-boto3 python3-Unidecode \
    sudo pip install django-simple-history

Alternative: Using pip and/or virtualenv

See the python-guide for setting up and activating a virtualenv.

Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

Initializing your environment

  1. Fork openbare to your GitHub account

  2. Clone the repository

    git clone git@github.com:{username}/openbare.git
  3. Get in position

    cd openbare
  4. Create your local settings

    cp openbare/settings/local_development.py.template \
    edit openbare/settings/local_development.py
  5. Setup the database

    python3 manage.py migrate
    python3 manage.py loaddata
    python3 manage.py createsuperuser
  6. Test-run the server

    python3 manage.py runserver

    Browse to http://localhost:8000

Setting up a production instance with Apache and Postrgres on SLES 12 SP1

  1. As root...

    sudo -i
  2. Install Apache and Postgresql

    zypper ar --refresh http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:/languages:/python3/SLE_12_SP1/devel:languages:python3.repo
    zypper ar --refresh http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Apache:/Modules/SLE_12_SP1/Apache:Modules.repo
    zypper in apache apache2-mod_wsgi-python3 postgresql94-server python3-psycopg2
  3. Install openbare

    # temporary home of openbare
    zypper in --no-recommends http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/bear454/SLE_12_SP1/noarch/openbare-0.2.0-1.1.noarch.rpm
  4. Setup Postgresql

    systemctl enable postgresql
    systemctl start postgresql
    su - postgres
    createdb openbare
    CREATE ROLE openbare WITH PASSWORD "[secret-database-password]";
    CREATE DATABASE openbare WITH OWNER openbare;
  5. Setup Apache

    # Add 'wsgi' to APACHE_MODULES
    edit /etc/sysconfig/apache2
    # Verify
    apachectl -M | grep wsgi
    # Create a new config
    mv /etc/apache2/default-server.conf /etc/apache2/default-server.conf.orig
    echo "
    # Static Assets
    ## directly serve admin assets from the django module
    Alias /static/admin /usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/static/admin
    ## directly serve openbare's assets
    Alias /static /srv/www/openbare/static
    <Directory /usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/static/admin>
      Require all granted
      Options FollowSymLinks
    <Directory /srv/www/openbare/static>
      Require all granted
      Options FollowSymLinks
    # Setup WSGI server
    WSGIScriptAlias / /srv/www/openbare/openbare/wsgi.py
    WSGIPythonPath /srv/www/openbare
    <Directory /srv/www/openbare>
      <Files wsgi.py>
        Require all granted
    " > /etc/apache2/default-server.conf
    systemctl enable apache2
  6. Configure openbare

    for file in /etc/openbare/settings_*.py.template; do cp "$file" "${file%.template}"; done
    edit /etc/openbare/settings_*.py
    openbare-manage migrate
    openbare-manage createsuperuser
  7. Start Apache!

    systemctl start apache2

Lendable Resources

AWS IAM Accounts

The AWS resource allows users to checkout IAM credentials for use with Amazon Web Services. The IAM accounts are checked out using the credential information provided in the Django settings files. To enable access for AWS the following settings should be updated with the correct account information:

# Amazon Web Services API credentials

# Optional: Users are added to the following IAM group

Adding a resource

All resources are proxy classes extending from the Lendable model. To add a resource for openbare override the name/description values and the checkout/checkin methods.

Optionally, the _set_username and _validate_username methods can be overridden to provide resource specific username validation.


If you would like to make contributions to openbare please fork the code on GitHub and submit a pull request with your changes. Please submit an issue if you experience any problems, bugs or have enhancement requests. See below for more information on code format, testing and release versions.

Code format and testing

openbare uses flake8 formatting for code consistency. Prior to a pull request run flake8 to ensure there are no warnings.

flake8                     # To check the entire project
flake8 libarary/models.py  # To check a specific file

Additionally, all code changes and additions require unit tests. Pull requests should maintain the current code coverage and all tests must pass.

python manage.py test

To check code coverage in Django run the following commands:

coverage run --source='.' manage.py test  # Run unit tests
coverage report                           # Generate report
coverage html                             # Generate HTML report

More information can be found on readthedocs for the coverage package.

Versions & Releases

openbare adheres to Semantic versioning; see http://semver.org/ for details.

bumpversion is used for release version management, and configured in setup.cfg:

# bumpversion major|minor|patch
# git push && git push --tags

Useful Links


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License - see the LICENSE file for details.