
[Owner: Charles Augu] Short tuto to deploy an ERC-721 contract, mint an NFT and publish it on Opensea on Rinkeby testnet


Short tuto to deploy an ERC-721 contract, mint an NFT and publish it on Opensea on Mumbai testnet

1) Install Metamask

Go to https://metamask.io/download/ and install the Metamask plugin for your web browser.

2) Create a wallet

Open the Metamask plugin and follow the steps to create a wallet. Don't forget to write down your recovery phrase. It will allow you to recover access to your funds if you lose access to your computer for any reason.

3) Add Mumbai Testnet network

Authorize Testnet networks in Metamask settings. Add a new network, enter the following data:
Network Name: Mumbai Testnet
New RPC URL: https://rpc-mumbai.maticvigil.com
Chain ID: 80001
Currency Symbol: MATIC
Block Explorer URL: https://polygonscan.com/

4) Get MATIC from the faucet

Go to https://mumbaifaucet.com/ and paste your address from your Metamask account. The transfer can take time depending on the congestion on the faucet. While waiting for your MATIC, you can continue with the next steps.

5) Open the template on Remix IDE

Go to https://remix.ethereum.org/. Choose "LOAD FROM: Gist" and paste this ID 6c6e9e24da34d014215a6632bc077f04. It will open a DemoERC721.sol file. This is a simple implementation of the ERC721 standard with an auto-incrementing minting function. It is based on OpenZeppelin reference implementation.

6) Deploy the contract, mint an NFT and publish it on testnet OpenSea

On stage explanations...


Here are a series of easy and clear tutos to create your NFTs :