
Static build of Synthea with http interface

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Static build of Synthea with http interface

This project exists because we needed a static build of Synthea - one that will not have to download anything when you run it for the first time and that will have the java files pre-compiled. This way it can safely be used later, even without internet connection. This makes it perfect for using in a Docker image.

Another feature is that we have simple HTTP server in front of it so instead of having to edit config file, one can just visit


where stu can be 2 or 3 and p is the number of patients to generate. Having such http frontend makes the image suitable for docker composed stacks.


a. Just use the existing image From Docker

docker run -d -p 8000:80 smartonfhir/synthea

b. Build it yourself From Git

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/smart-on-fhir/synthea.git
cd synthea
docker docker build -t my-synthea .
docker run -d -p 8000:80 my-synthea


The purpose of this is to generate patients so to make use of it, you have to mount an external folder where the generated data will go. Here is a quick example that will generate 100 stu3 patients in /my/local/patients/fhir (assuming that /my/local/patients/ exists):

docker run -d -p 8000:80 -v /my/local/patients:/synthea/output smartonfhir/synthea
curl -Ns "http://localhost:8000/?stu=3&p=100"
# or just open http://localhost:8000/?stu=3&p=100 in your browser