
Simple Demo of a Web Server and a Consumer using Flask, Kubernetes, RabbitMQ and MongoDB

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Another simple demo of a Flask web server that talks to a queue consumer. It is deployed using Kubernetes and Docker.

App Description

The App is a simple Crud API for 'Tasks'. When you POST to create a task, an event is generated and pushed to the queue. The consumer consumes this and updates the status of the task after a random delay. Requeuing and the final status update after that is also done.

Demo API docs are at


Performing Demo


Install and run docker. You may optionally install docker-compose as well.

Install and run microk8s

microk8s.enable dashboard dns ingress registry

Build the images

Git clone.

We build the images and push it to the local microk8s registry.

Build the server.
docker build -f backend/Dockerfile -t kubernetes_demo_backend .
docker tag kubernetes_demo_backend localhost:32000/kubernetes_demo_backend
docker push localhost:32000/kubernetes_demo_backend
Build the consumer
docker build -f consumer/Dockerfile -t kubernetes_demo_consumer .
docker tag kubernetes_demo_consumer localhost:32000/kubernetes_demo_consumer
docker push localhost:32000/kubernetes_demo_consumer


chmod +x deploy.sh

Monitor and Interact

To access dashboard paste the Cluster IP on your browser

microk8s.kubectl get all --all-namespaces | grep "service/kubernetes-dashboard"

Get Token to Login

token=$(microk8s.kubectl -n kube-system get secret | grep default-token | cut -d " " -f1)
microk8s.kubectl -n kube-system describe secret $token

To interact and use the API you need the HOST IP

microk8s.kubectl get all --all-namespaces | grep "service/backend"

API docs are at



  • Writing of Tests.
  • Demo with Volumes and Secrets for Datastores.


Writing of test cases is left to be done.

Support Or Contact

Reach out to us at:




Abhishek Jebaraj
