
My RGB matrix smart girder project using the Adafruit Matrixportal and Arduino

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My RGB matrix smart girder project using the Adafruit Matrixportal and Arduino

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This is based on the Adafruit Matrix Portal, you will also need:

  1. Some RGB matrixes from your favourite online supplier (they're crazy cheap from Ali Express, less so from elsewhere). This is 4 64x32 panels in a chain.
  2. A 5v power supply - conventional wisdom would be at least 10a, but I'm running all this on a self-contained little 3a plug because I'm not lighting up that many pixels
  3. Some wiring to connect 1 and 2 together
  4. Some arcylic diffusers to make the display look nicer
  5. An MQTT server to serve up the values to display. I haven't put up the code for that because it's a mess of cron scripts and all sorts, but a lot of it can be published straight out of home assistant.